Android Question BBListItem and Arabic language issue


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I am trying to show arabic language in BBListitem but the text doesn't shows properly letters arent connected..
I have created an example and placed the correct arabic text in a label and its shows correctly in the label , but in BBListItem letters shows separated from each other.
example attached


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V1.94 attached. It adds support for tashkils / diacritics.

The combination of Arabic and English is something that won't be fixed at this point.


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Your Label1 text should be like this:
Label1.Text = "السلام عليكم"
No should be supported and accepted same as label. what you have posted is something else..

besides arabic letters can have same letters in a different text

Label1.Text = " الــــسلام ئياد"
Label1.Text = " كــميائي"
Label1.Text = " فزيــــاء"
'and many other more...
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Mahdi Hamoudi

New Member
The problem is present when you add "ـ" to make the letter longer. Same, there is a problem with the letter "ئ". Otherwise, it works correctly.
So if you change your ( Label1.Text = " فزيــــاء" ) to
Label1.Text = "فزياء"
without adding "ـ" , it works
As for the letter "ئ", may be other members can provide help.
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The problem is present when you add "ـ" to make the letter longer. Same, there is a problem with the letter "ئ". Otherwise, it works correctly.
So if you change your ( Label1.Text = " فزيــــاء" ) to
Label1.Text = "فزياء"
without adding "ـ" , it works
As for the letter "ئ", may be other members can provide help.
This is not a solution. And i am not complaining about the format that writes the Arabic word. As you see in label1 any of that symbols will show normally.. And that's how it should be in Bblistitem.
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You aren't using the library correctly.

1. Create a single TextEngine and reuse it.
2. Don't waste your time with activities. Switch to B4XPages.

The rendering of Arabic scripts is very complicated. I've fixed the two issues in v1.93, but there are probably more issues to discover and report.

View attachment 133632
Thank you very much Erel when ever i find any related issue with Arabic text i will report it. I already use b4xpages in the main project I have just created this example for testing purposes
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Hey Erel i have updated BCTextEngine Lib and some symbol has been fixed and other still separated from the whole word

just like this letter

'Known Letters   شِ بِ تِ لا لأ
Label1.Text = "بِهـلال وتِحَـرَّم الشِمِـس مِتكـوره الْمـاتَـم بــلاء سلام"

also in this word printed correctly but only one letter still not connected

'this word printed correctly but only one letter is not conected which is : لا
' example can be سلا صلا هلا
' they aren't connected
Label1.Text = " الــــسلام ئياد"
'Even More words can be
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I want to add Managing the scrollchange event that way makes the List Veryfast without any lag noticed.

Private Sub clv_ScrollChanged (Offset As Int)
    ' Loop through Visible items only
        For i = clv.FirstVisibleIndex To clv.LastVisibleIndex
            Dim BB As BBListItem = clv.GetPanel(i).GetView(BBListItemIndexInItems).Tag
            BB.ParentScrolled(Offset, clv.AsView.Height, 29dip)   
    End Try
End Sub

Thank you Erel for such great Library its extends the xclv power and makes me avoid using webviews in my projects
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