B4A Library Beauty Theme for Android app - Kongzue Dialog V3

I make this inline java library for b4x android developer , this very nice and easy to use

Download aar:

How to use:
1.Copy dialogv32.aar into your libs folder
2. Use example project to use

#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: B4A Example
    #VersionCode: 1
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: unspecified
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
#Extends: android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Private xui As XUI
End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    Private cmdloading As Button
    Private cmd_showtip As Button
    Private cmdbottommenu As Button
    Private cmdinput As Button
    Private cmd_mess As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdloading_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_showtip_Click
    showtipDialog("Now is success!","SUCCESS",True,3000)
End Sub

Private Sub cmdbottommenu_Click
    Dim listnicemenu As List
    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append("Hello World!").PopAll
    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    cs.Initialize.Color(Colors.Cyan).Append("Hello World2!").PopAll
End Sub
Sub menumain_bottomclick(vitri As Int)
    Log("clicked " & vitri)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdinput_Click
    InputDialog("inputdialog","Title here","Enter value ...","OK","","Enter filename here",Colors.Blue,False)
End Sub
Sub inputdialog_input(noidung As String)
    Log("Value is " & noidung)
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_mess_Click
    MessageDialog("mess","Title here","Content","OK","Cancel","Other",False)
End Sub
Sub mess_okclick
    Log("OK clicked")
End Sub
Sub mess_otherclick
    Log("Other clicked")
End Sub
Sub mess_cancelclick
    Log("Cancel clicked")
End Sub
Sub MessageDialog(eventname As String,title As String, content As String,oktext As String,canceltext As String,othertext As String,cancelable As Boolean)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("MessageDialog",Array As Object(eventname,title,content,oktext,canceltext,othertext,cancelable))
End Sub
Sub initTheme(themename As String, darklight As String)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("initTheme",Array As String(themename,darklight))
End Sub
Sub BottomMenu(eventname As String,listmenu As List,title As String, cancelable As Boolean)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("BottomMenu",Array As Object(eventname,listmenu,title,cancelable))
End Sub
Sub InputDialog(eventname As String,title As String, mess As String,okbutton As String,defaultvalue As String,hinttext As String,colortext As Int,cancelable As Boolean)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("InputDialog",Array As Object(eventname,title,mess, okbutton,defaultvalue,hinttext,colortext,cancelable))
End Sub
Sub showwaitDialog(title As String,cancelable As Boolean)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("showwaitDialog",Array As Object(title,cancelable))
End Sub
Sub showtipDialog( title As String, typedialog As String ,  cancelable As Boolean, timeout As Int)
    Dim nt As JavaObject
    nt.RunMethod("showtipDialog",Array As Object(title,typedialog,cancelable,timeout))
End Sub
' public void showtipDialog(String title,String typedialog , Boolean cancelable,int timeout){
'final String eventname,String title,String mess, String okbutton,String defaultvalue,String hinttext,int colortext,boolean cancelable){
import com.b4alib.dialog.util.DialogSettings;
import com.b4alib.dialog.v3.MessageDialog;
import  android.view.View;
import com.b4alib.dialog.util.BaseDialog;
import com.b4alib.dialog.interfaces.OnDialogButtonClickListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.b4alib.dialog.interfaces.OnMenuItemClickListener;
import com.b4alib.dialog.v3.BottomMenu;
import com.b4alib.dialog.interfaces.OnInputDialogButtonClickListener;
import com.b4alib.dialog.v3.InputDialog;
import com.b4alib.dialog.util.TextInfo;
import android.text.InputType;
import com.b4alib.dialog.util.InputInfo;
import com.b4alib.dialog.v3.WaitDialog;
import com.b4alib.dialog.v3.TipDialog;

WaitDialog awaitDialog;
TipDialog tipDialog;

public void initTheme(String themename,String darklight){
if (themename.equals("STYLE_MIUI")){DialogSettings.style = DialogSettings.STYLE.STYLE_MIUI;}
if (themename.equals("STYLE_IOS")){DialogSettings.style = DialogSettings.STYLE.STYLE_IOS;}
if (themename.equals("STYLE_KONGZUE")){DialogSettings.style = DialogSettings.STYLE.STYLE_KONGZUE;}
if (themename.equals("STYLE_MATERIAL")){DialogSettings.style = DialogSettings.STYLE.STYLE_MATERIAL;}

if (darklight.equals("DARK")){DialogSettings.theme =DialogSettings.THEME.DARK;}
if (darklight.equals("LIGHT")){DialogSettings.theme =DialogSettings.THEME.LIGHT;}


 public void showtipDialog(String title,String typedialog , Boolean cancelable,int timeout){
        if (typedialog.equals("WARNING")){tipDialog.show(this,title,TipDialog.TYPE.WARNING).setCancelable(cancelable).setTipTime(timeout);}
        if (typedialog.equals("SUCCESS")){tipDialog.show(this,title,TipDialog.TYPE.SUCCESS).setCancelable(cancelable).setTipTime(timeout);}
        if (typedialog.equals("ERROR")){tipDialog.show(this,title,TipDialog.TYPE.ERROR).setCancelable(cancelable).setTipTime(timeout);}
        if (typedialog.equals("OTHER")){tipDialog.show(this,title,TipDialog.TYPE.OTHER).setCancelable(cancelable).setTipTime(timeout);}
    public void closetipDialog(){
    public boolean isShowingtipDialog(){
        return tipDialog.isShow;

  public void showwaitDialog(String title,Boolean cancelable){
    public void closewaitDialog(){
    public boolean isShowingwaitDialog(){
        return awaitDialog.isShow;

public void MessageDialog(final String eventname,String title, String Mess,String OKtext, String Cancel, String other,Boolean cancelable){
               // .setTheme(DialogSettings.THEME.DARK)
                .setOkButton(OKtext, new OnDialogButtonClickListener() {
                    public boolean onClick(BaseDialog baseDialog, View v) {
                        //  BA.Log(" click ok");
                        //processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname + "_okclick", false, new Object[] {message.getMessageObject()});
                        processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname.toLowerCase() + "_okclick", false, new Object[] {});
                        return false;
                .setCancelButton(Cancel, new OnDialogButtonClickListener() {
                    public boolean onClick(BaseDialog baseDialog, View v) {
                        //  BA.Log(" click cancel");
                        processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname.toLowerCase() + "_cancelclick", false, new Object[] {});
                        return false;
                .setOtherButton(other, new OnDialogButtonClickListener() {
                    public boolean onClick(BaseDialog baseDialog, View v) {
                        //  BA.Log(" click cancel");
                        processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname.toLowerCase() + "_otherclick", false, new Object[] {});
                        return false;
    public void BottomMenu(final String eventname,List<CharSequence> listvao,String title,boolean cancelable){
        BottomMenu.show(this,listvao, new OnMenuItemClickListener() {
            public void onClick(String text, int index) {
                //返回参数 text 即菜单名称,index 即菜单索引
                processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname.toLowerCase() + "_bottomclick", false, new Object[] {index});
    public void InputDialog(final String eventname,String title,String mess, String okbutton,String defaultvalue,String hinttext,int colortext,boolean cancelable){

InputDialog.show(this, title, mess, okbutton)
            .setInputInfo(new InputInfo()

                             // .setMAX_LENGTH(6)     //限制最大输入长度
                              .setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT)     //仅输入密码类型
                              .setTextInfo(new TextInfo()       //设置文字样式
                                               //    .setFontColor(colortext)     //修改文字样式颜色为红色
                                      .setMultipleLines(false)       //支持多行输入
.setOnOkButtonClickListener(new OnInputDialogButtonClickListener() {
        public boolean onClick(BaseDialog baseDialog, View v, String inputStr) {
            //inputStr 即当前输入的文本
   processBA.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(this, null, 0, eventname.toLowerCase() + "_input", false, new Object[] {inputStr});
            return false;

#End If




  • testdialog.zip
    11.6 KB · Views: 581


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Some nice dialogs. One thing I have noticed is that the dialogs must be closed before rotating the device, if not, then various artefacts will be visible. I have tried on two different devices and am seeing the same problem.


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, nice Dialogs great job!
How can i hide or close the WaitDialog?
Same question here. I see the method for it in the java code but can't access it from B4A

    public void closetipDialog(){

The Input dialog also keep the keyboard open as well when you are done typing and then hit the ok button.
Not sure how you would fix that through the java code
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