Beginners forum?


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Did the ANYWHERE team ever thought about starting a beginner forum?

As the community increases every day, I think there will be a lot of people with only little knowledge of BASIC.
And maybe they have questions, that do not fit into any category of the current forum structure.

This beginner forum could encourage more people to stay here and continue using B4X products.


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And maybe they have questions, that do not fit into any category of the current forum structure.
Any programming question can be asked in the questions forum.
There were never a question that was not answered because it was "too simple".

I don't like adding more categories.
As the community increases every day, I think there will be a lot of people with only little knowledge of BASIC.
BASIC knowledge is not required and is not assumed.

Jorge M A

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Have you seen this? I think is the better way to begin, as any language / IDE / Environment.



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Yes, most beginners just jump to develop, without reading the documentation.

But our forum has always welcomed their questions with open hands and have solved them.
Though most could be solved by just reading klaus booklets.

No one has ever felt unwelcome here. Or afraid to ask 'silly' questions.




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I did not want to critisize the forum, everybody is very helpful indead. But when I look on the questions... most of them are related to B4X special problems with Views or Device related problems. There are no questions about fundamental basic programming. This made me thinking, that absolut beginners dont ask here.

This means they do not stay here. As I'm very new here I still have a fresh look on the forum. I'm experienced since years in BASIC and even for me its hard to understand why things are working like this in B4xyz.

Jorge M A

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fundamental basic programming
Again, and without trying to polemicize, I personally believe that Klaus has done a great effort and excellent work to facilitate the entry of new members to this environment with his booklets, which contain the source code of examples, and are also free!
It's just a matter of having patience and studying in "baby steps". As mentioned by Anand many may make the mistake of entering the rush to build without a solid foundation or that is identical to developing in Vb6.
That's what the documentation is for, and the forum is for solving specific or particular problems.



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I'm experienced since years in BASIC and even for me its hard to understand why things are working like this in B4xyz.

B4X is a language on its own; it's not a BASIC dialect
B stands for Best (this one ain't official, but I like it) :)

My only experience with the BASIC language was eraly '80s with GW-Basic (and QuickBasic 1.0), then moved to Pascal (plain, Turbo, etc). When I discovered B4X back in mid 2013 I began studying it as a completely new language (even if its syntax resembled Basic, and many other languages btw), accepting its way to accomodate things up.
Well, it's not entirely first I tried to reflect my previous knowledge on it, but then I found better and easier to follow its rules, adapting myself to it.

I understand that many, especially those having previous experiences with VB, would like to see it as just another Basic dialect, probably feeling more comfortable this way, but shortly, eventually looking at the many examples published on the forum, they will fully appreciate it as a new, powerful tool to develop solutions.

My 2c


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Actually, all the previous posts are exact and good pointers to the BIG resources on the forum.
I get the point.
[[EDIT - I did forget to note below that Learn and Teach are both in the navigation/menu bar at the top of the landing page. Though, of course, not in the strict context of the following.]]

Its not intuitive that learning resources / tools for beginners would appear very "directly" on the landing page for 'the entity' - that being Anywhere Software in this case. Everyone treats landing pages as the platform the MAJOR offering of an entity {{raa raa blah blah}}. (B4a / B4r / etc). But, on the basis @Midimaster 's argument I would advocate [[in a case such as this type of company]] that, one of the ways to attract people into taking their investigation further would be to make the items in the screen captures below (2nd and 3rd) more prominent on the landing page. Maybe as a big link right below the banner. Currently, one has to go to the bottom of the page in the footer to find a link to learning resouces in the links Learn and Teach (3rd capture). I remember posting an item elsewhere about how I came to find B4x. The one thing that attracted me was this forum, but, I didn't, at the time, locate the videos and the @Erel teaches programming. Not saying that I would have had to look, since I am only a beginner with B4x/Android, and programming per se was not something I needed.

But, we know that there are very new people wanting to 'go there', as it were, with programming. Hey, when you hit retirement all sorts of prospects come to mind. All sorts of things people have always wanted to do - programming - have intrigued people for a long time in their lives.

Anyway . . . I think that @Erel is a humble guy and doesn't want to take the bullhorn to his teaching platform and videos. But, its a major part of a learning oriented philosophy that lies beside the heart of the B4X (@Erel 's ) ethos.

So, here's a suggestion, I know you will all give it due consideration. . . amongst this lot on the landing pages, some more direct reference to : Want to know about our learning tools and teaching videos for beginners. So, that might mean moving AND MORE.... down a line, and, after a link worded something like that in the bold text here. That, of course, would make the items in the other two captures (the middle one particularly) directly accessible to someone like @Midimaster. Maybe, a more "commercial" alternative to the bold text above : Want to know more about what we offer for learning to program with B4X? ... And More...

I make the suggestion because I agree on the above sentiments about a beginner forum and beginner access. I am on record in these fora saying that this is the ONLY forum I have come across (and registered to belong to, ever) where beginners are WHOLEY welcome and respected. And, that, is entirely @Erel 's effect.

Come to think of it NONE of the items ANDROID | IOS | WINDOWS | MAC | LINUX | ARDUINO | RASPBERRY PI |ESP8266 | AND MORE ... is CLICKABLE.

Just some thoughts.



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Jorge M A

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Currently, one has to go to the bottom of the page in the footer to find a link to learning resouces in the links Learn and Teach (3rd capture).
Well, this is not entirely accurate. The options are in the menu header. Perhaps they do need to be highlighted.


I make the suggestion because I agree on the above sentiments about a beginner forum and beginner access. I am on record in these fora saying that this is the ONLY forum I have come across (and registered to belong to, ever) where beginners are WHOLEY welcome and respected. And, that, is entirely @Erel 's effect.


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Incidentally, this IS the ONLY forum I have ever registered with, just in case that line in #9 doesn't make sense. Never belonged to any other. And, I would guess that its an invisible effect of how @Erel has affected the ethos of the members.


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About 6 or 7 years ago I discovered B4A. I kept up with the latest version each time it was required, but could never actually jump in and start developing in the language. The installation procedure with multi-megabytes of downloads I found a little daunting. (Now I wonder why). Also that blank template that kept popping up - I never really understood where to start. I am from a VB6 background.

I now need to develop a few mobile apps using phones - B4X presents itself as the way to go. I started using B4X seriously, about 3 or 4 months ago. When you look at most of the programming syntax, you could be forgiven to think that it is so close to VB6 - even the F8 key is used to step through a program in debug mode. What you miss, on the first cursory look at a program, is what those strange routines are doing. B4XPages - B4XPreferences - Form Builder - Google Maps - and on the list goes.

Here is the biggest tip I can give you - B4X is not just a programming language like VB6 - If it was, it would be classed as a 4th generation Language. It is, in my opinion a 5th Generation Language at times, allowing some highly complex programming to be achieved with so few instructions. What I would need to program in VB6 to create a Database driven Ordering System would take hundreds and hundreds of instructions. The Master Architect of B4X, Erel, has created libraries, which allow you to achieve a similar result in probably about 10% to 20% of the coding and less effort. Furthermore, your result is normally bug-free if you adhere to using B4X Libraries to their fullest.

This is what you simply can't understand, Day 1 into learning B4X.

You are not about to just learn a new language - you are really learning to leverage to massive efforts that people like Erel, Klaus, DonManfred (I am guessing here), and I am sure many, many others, who have contributed to either writing high performance Libraries, or have helped with the fine tuning of them. You are not given gold and asked to make a golden ring - you are given a golden ring which comes in multiple sizes, white or yellow gold, with or without diamonds, and to be worn by males or females. The forums will also reveal special uses of the libraries which sometimes are not immediately apparent. The magic that makes it work on a phone comes when the compiler turns it all into Java. Now some of what I am saying are my personal assumptions, but I am guessing it is close to the reality of the situation.

Don't believe B4X is just another language - it will out perform all other runners in the mobile phone development arena, I am sure. Lightning Fast IDE - Fast Compiling - More Libraries than you imagine - This translates into LESS program instructions and more reliable APPS. Incredible Support Network (I am sure they are sick of my questions, but they just keep answering them).
Special thank you to Oparra who has guided me, frequently, along the path.

As for the forums - they are critical as every input from the members is open for all other members to see, to share, and to comment on. Searching the forums can save you hours of experimentation.

So ..... To begin your journey, I would recommend you start by playing with an existing sample app - many can be found just by searching the forum - and from the way it goes, questions will arise - some you will answer yourself by searching the forum, or by reading the "Booklets" which address various aspects of B4X. Make sure you also install B4J which has the same language as B4A but doesn't need you to connect to your phone to see your app working.

All the best, and prepare to be astounded by what you are about to discover - you will not find this anywhere else.
The company should have been called "NOT Anywhere Software" !

(Search for Erel, Klaus or DonManfred - you will find some amazing routines that will start you to understand the power of B4X)