Best games to show off Basic4Android?


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I'm putting some reviews of basic4android games on my blog soon and want a good list of the best games to show off the language. What would people here recommend?

Looking at the libraries, basic4android could actually be used to write something like Angry Birds, Cut the rope, paper toss, or pretty much any of the top 100 selling games on the market.


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Thanks Jacob,

I like your games, although the sports cars one wouldn't load on my phone (Galaxy S2 running ICS 4.0.3)

I'm aware there's an OpenGL library and have tried some animation library based games and demos. So am happy that B4A could be used to write some good quality games that could sell really well. I would like to make a tower defense game, using simple vector graphics style effects (I'm not very good at drawing).
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Also I am not good at drawing, and therefore I am not making big games.
I have ideas for 2 great games, but have to find an artist, that can make the pictures for me.
Maybe one day I will make them.

Kind regards
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