I have to download large xml data files then parse them and add them to an sqlite database.
I have it working OK, but there doesn't seem to be a way to use async so it runs in the background, nor can I find a way to trigger a notification when the file has finished loading into the db (so I could run progreesdialoghide) or to let it load in the background.
So the program looks like its hanging while the file loads up, which can take some minutes. I suppose I could use a doevents to see an output, but thats going to make it go slower.
Any ideas?
I have it working OK, but there doesn't seem to be a way to use async so it runs in the background, nor can I find a way to trigger a notification when the file has finished loading into the db (so I could run progreesdialoghide) or to let it load in the background.
So the program looks like its hanging while the file loads up, which can take some minutes. I suppose I could use a doevents to see an output, but thats going to make it go slower.
Any ideas?
Sub LoadNewData
'load the datafile into the database
'parse the xml file
Dim In As InputStream
If File.Exists(File.DirAssets, "aaa.xml") Then
ToastMessageShow("Finished Downloading now installing ...", True)
In = File.OpenInput(File.DirAssets, "aaa.xml")
parser.Parse(In, "Parser")
ProgressDialogShow("Working ...")
ToastMessageShow("File not found",True)
End If
End Sub
Sub Parser_StartElement (Uri As String, Name As String, Attributes As Attributes)
'pull out the xml fields. These are inside of the < > tags which makes them Attributes and pulled out at the start element section becuase, well, they are in the start element.
'NOTE THAT THE NAMES ARE CASE SENSITIVE (caused me lots of issues until I realised it)
If Name = "Platform" Then
'data is passed to the fields in the type named thisbusstop (type is a primitive Class)
ThisBusStop.PlatformTag = Attributes.GetValue2("", "PlatformTag")
ThisBusStop.PlatformNo = Attributes.GetValue2("", "PlatformNo")
ThisBusStop.PlatformName = Attributes.GetValue2("", "Name")
ThisBusStop.BearingToRoad = Attributes.GetValue2("", "BearingToRoad")
ThisBusStop.RoadName = Attributes.GetValue2("", "RoadName")
End If
If Name = "Position" Then
ThisBusStop.Lat = Attributes.GetValue2("", "Lat")
ThisBusStop.Lon = Attributes.GetValue2("", "Long")
End If
If ThisBusStop.Lat <0 Then 'get data if there is any
'insert the data into the database
'crashes if there are ' in the name O'Brians
ThisBusStop.RoadName = ThisBusStop.RoadName.Replace("'", "")
ThisBusStop.PlatformName = ThisBusStop.PlatformName.Replace("'", "")
Main.SQLmetroInfo.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO platforms VALUES('" & ThisBusStop.PlatformTag & "','" & ThisBusStop.PlatformNo & "','" & ThisBusStop.PlatformName & "','" & ThisBusStop.RoadName & "','"& ThisBusStop.Lat &"', '" & ThisBusStop.Lon & "')")
Log(ThisBusStop.PlatformTag & " Road " & ThisBusStop.RoadName &" " & " Platname " & ThisBusStop.PlatformName )'&" " & " number " & ThisBusStop.PlatformNo)
End If
End Sub