we connect our webserver trough a tcp socket, so far so good. Transmitting Database Data runs very well.
We put the image to an byte array first, then we encode this array to string of base64, this string we add to a queue list. By a timer we went trough this list like a stack we take the first item change this to send it to server as byte array.
Now our problem ist, that if we want to transmit large files, e.g. pictures of 1.5 Mb, the allocation of mem raises a oom error.
Is there a better way to transmit these files?
Here a code example:
Please advise
Regards Silentsea
we connect our webserver trough a tcp socket, so far so good. Transmitting Database Data runs very well.
We put the image to an byte array first, then we encode this array to string of base64, this string we add to a queue list. By a timer we went trough this list like a stack we take the first item change this to send it to server as byte array.
Now our problem ist, that if we want to transmit large files, e.g. pictures of 1.5 Mb, the allocation of mem raises a oom error.
Is there a better way to transmit these files?
Here a code example:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim image() As Byte
image = ImageToByte(File.DirRootExternal, "Filename.png")
Dim b64 As Base64
b64.EncodeBtoS(image,0, image.Length))
stcp.Queue.Add(b64.EncodeBtoS(image,0, image.Length)))
End Sub
' Open an image file and convert it to a byte array
Sub ImageToByte(Directory As String, FileName As String) As Byte()
' Open image file
Dim in As InputStream
in = File.OpenInput(Directory, FileName)
' Copy image file to bytes array
Dim Out As OutputStream
File.Copy2(in, Out)
Return Out.ToBytesArray
Log("ImagetoByte:" & LastException.Message)
End Try
End Sub
'##Code in service module stcp
' Periodicly check if there is a job in the Queue
Sub Interval_Tick
' If there are jobs in Queue,
' handle one of them each Tick
' Otherwise exit
If Queue.Size = 0 Then Return
' Remove job from Queue
End Try
End Sub
' Prepare String and send it to the server
Sub Out (message As String)
' Convert String into byte array
Dim messageBytes() As Byte
Dim bc As ByteConverter
messageBytes = bc.StringToBytes(message, "UTF8")
' Send message to server
cTools.Debug("sTCP Out: " & LastException)
End Try
End Sub
' Try to send byte array to server
Sub OutBytes (ByteArray() As Byte)
' Try to send message to server
If AStream.IsInitialized Then
End Try
End If
End Sub
Please advise
Regards Silentsea