BIIIIG section in battery usage


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When I force my widget to use some battery, and then go into the battery usage screen, the widget appears to take about 4 times the height compared to all other applications. Have I done something wrong? (apart from getting it to use so much battery that it even registers in this screen)


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Its a simple animated clock. My question I guess is, is there ANYTHING I could of done to make this behavior?

If I wanted to have this, what would I need to do to get it to act like this? Anything?

My actual aim now is to make sure that it stays off the list of battery consuption and it will be my dirty little secret. :eek:
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I don't think that you can somehow "hide" your app from this list.
My "somehow" is by keeping the battery usage so low, it would not show in the list. ;)

The problem is that you are sending the bitmap to the widget host every second(?).
No, but on the minute, it displays about 20 frames of animation on a 4x2 widget, covering about a 2x1 section of it.

You can try sending a small bitmap that will be stretched. This might save some power.
Already done.

The power is already low, and it is only when I have had a bug have I seen it on the list, but it has been displayed in a disproportionate size when compared to everything else in the list. The original post was in sear4ch of an explanation for this behavior.
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My "somehow" is by keeping the battery usage so low, it would not show in the list. ;)

No, but on the minute, it displays about 20 frames of animation on a 4x2 widget, covering about a 2x1 section of it.

Already done.

The power is already low, and it is only when I have had a bug have I seen it on the list, but it has been displayed in a disproportionate size when compared to everything else in the list. The original post was in sear4ch of an explanation for this behavior.

You mean the icon of the app is bigger than icon of other apps on the battery usage screen?

Something similar happened to me on notifications, I solved it by changing the size of the icon.

First I used a big icon it was like 128x128 or something, which is big for a ZTE Blade, the icon was enlarged on the notification. After that I changed the icon size to something smaller, and it looked perfect.

Erel, would it be possible for you to add multiple icons support in B4A?
As per Googles Guidelines every app should have several icons for the different screen densities.

It's easy to add by hand, but it would be quicker to use the IDE.

links for those who want to know more:
Supporting Multiple Screens | Android Developers
Icon Design Guidelines | Android Developers

Oh didn't notice that I necroed this, found it while searching for something else lol.
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