Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal Converter Program.


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This program allows you to convert a Decimal number from (0 - 255)
to its Binary and Hexadecimal equivalents.

It also has truth tables for the logic functions:

The program was written for the Pocket PC using Basic4ppc.

The zipped up ARM processor (.CAB) install file was created using SetupBuilder.

Let me know if you can run it on your PDA.


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Program will not install on Windows Mobile 6.


I ran the file back through SetupBuilder again and here is the ARMV4
version of the setup file. You can try and install it on a WM6 PDA.

I am using an HP IPAQ H2210 PDA. I can install applications from (.CAB)
files created with SetupBuilder and they run just fine. But sometimes I have
problems Uninstalling the programs using the "Remove Programs" application.

When a problem occurs I can go in and manually delete the files and remove
the program shortcut, but the file name text still shows up in the "Remove
Programs" screen and I can not get rid of it.

I think the problem has to do with how the program is named in SetupBuilder
when the (.CAB) file is created. In the "CAB PROPERTIES" window in
SetupBuilder it may make a difference what characters you type into the
"Company Name:" and "Application Name" textboxes. If you type in letters
and numbers it seems to work OK. When I do this I can install the (.CAB)
file and remove it repeatedly and everything works just fine.

Before I had entered the character ">" as part of the "Company Name:"
and the "Remove Programs" application will not remove the "Company Name:"
and "Application Name:" from the PDA's list of installed applications.

Is there a limit to the number of characters and the type of characters
that can be typed into the "Company Name:" and "Application Name:"
textboxes in SetupBuilder ?

Here is the updated zipped up ARMV4 (.CAB) file and the Basic4ppc source
code for you to look at.

I wrote this source code on the PDA first using Basic4ppc. I then uploaded
the source code to the Desktop and compiled the program for the "Device"
with the Optimized Compilation box checked.

This program has a Menu, and when developing on the PDA the Menu
shows up at the bottom of the PDA screen. When looking at the source
code on the Desktop the Menu shows up at the Top of the Form when
you look at it. Is there anyway to have it show up at the Bottom of
the Form like it does when developing on the PDA ?

Text which is readable on the PDA's Form is not readable on the Desktop's
Form. I think it has to do with where the Menu is showing up on the Form,
at the Top of the Form on the Desktop and at the Bottom of the Form
on the PDA.

Uploaded Program Files. : contains all of the buttons, images and sound files. : contains the (.CAB) installation file.
DIGITAL.sbp : the Basic4ppc source code file.


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