Blank Text In EditText Box


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I have an EditText box that has the text color set to black in the designer and I also code the color in as well just to make sure. I'm using the following code...
EditText.TextColor = Colors.Black

and this works fine on all the various devices that I was able to get my hands on, however a user using the new Galaxy S4 is telling me that the text is blank when he is typing and is unable to see what he is typing in even tho text is actually being typed because when he saves the text field the text is entered and saved into the right place. The background color of the EditText is white so it seems that maybe the text color is also white, making it appear invisible. The new Galaxy S4 is running the most up to date Android OS as far as I know. So is there a special way I need to code the text color or something? Ive tested it on about 5 different devices (None of them are Samsung devices though) and the text is black.:sign0163:

Thank you for any help.
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You should the UI Cloud. You will immediately see that on some devices the EditText is transparent.

I have set the edit text visibility to true and after looking at the designer I don't even see a transparency setting for the EditText. I have sent it to the UI cloud and I was still unable to replicate the issue. Seems all is well after looking at that.
the alpha is set to 255 from what I can tell.
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Ok I had one of my panels visibility set to false so I was able to see the text on the black background, but after setting visibility of my white panel to true I can see that the text isn't there on the Galaxy Tab 2. But the edit text backgrounds on the Galaxy Tab 2 are grey and so are my hint text colors. all other devices show a white boxes with grey hint text. So do I need to manually code in the white background for the edit texts to fix this so the black text shows when they start typing?
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Ok I had one of my panels visibility set to false so I was able to see the text on the black background, but after setting visibility of my white panel to true I can see that the text isn't there on the Galaxy Tab 2. But the edit text backgrounds on the Galaxy Tab 2 are grey and so are my hint text colors. all other devices show a white boxes with grey hint text. So do I need to manually code in the white background for the edit texts to fix this so the black text shows when they start typing?

Why not set your TextColor to DEFAULT? That way the device picks what its theme's default color is.

You'll also need your activity or panel's background to be DEFAULT as well, though.
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