BlueTooth Connect Insecure


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Longtime User
Hi Guys/Gals,

I'm hoping someone can give me a pointer here about BlueTooth Connect Insecure. I have used Erels Serial/BlueTooth tutorial (thanks for that Erel - most informative) and got BlueTooth printing setup just fine. I wrote a general printer driver with suitable escape codes and I can print with no issues from my Android device, but when my app goes into the big wide world the users are going to want to connect printers I have never heard of and they will also want to use Insecure Pairings, as not everyone knows the PIN code for their printer. So I have been working on making my code as universal as I can.

Now I don't have any problem finding new printers (using BT Admin) and adding them to my list of available printers, but I do have a problem with ConnectInsecure, each time I try to use this command it STILL asks me for a PIN number, I thought that ConnectInsecure was just that and a PIN number was not needed, can someone explain to me why Android (3.2.1 in my case) is still asking for a pairing code.

Has anybody got a short few lines of code they are willing to share to show me how to use Connect Insecure to a printer without a pairing request from Android. I know for a phone or computer device connection you would want it paired but for printers it is not really required and Insecure will be adequate.

Thanks in advance for any help.



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Longtime User
Hi Guys,

Not to worry I have sorted it out.

I was getting confused with BlueTooth Admin and Pairing versus Serial Ports. (Need to oil my old brain with some more Red Wine !).

ConnectInsecure really has nothing to do with BlueTooth Admin, (Apart from using it to get the MAC address of the BlueTooth Device), once you have that you can forget about BT Admin and just use ConnectInsecure to open a Serial Port to the Device. I now have three different BT printers connected and I can choose between them at will as to which one is used for my printout.

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Pablo Torres

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Hi, I want to print some plain text on a printer, but I don't know how to do this, can you help me a little? Perhaps a few lines of your code that make it works? Thanks
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there ItWorks,
can you please share if you don't mind, your code on your general printer driver. I am currently having difficulties on my project regarding its printing capabilities. Hope you can help me. tnx
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Pablo Torres

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Sub ImprimirPedido

Dim EsteArticulo As ArtPedido

DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yy"
'Documento y Fecha
If cmbTipoVenta.SelectedIndex=0 Then
PrintBuffer= " " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & " " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) &" " & Forma(1, 5, CStr(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))&" "& Forma(1, 15, "CONTADO "& strSerie & CStr(intContadoActual)) & " " & Forma(1, 5, CStr(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))&" "& Forma(1, 15, "CONTADO "& strSerie & CStr(intContadoActual))
PrintBuffer= " " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & " " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) &" " & Forma(1, 5, CStr(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))&" "& Forma(1, 15, "CREDITO "& strSerie & CStr(intContadoActual)) & " " & Forma(1, 5, CStr(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now)))&" "& Forma(1, 15, "CREDITO "& strSerie & CStr(intContadoActual))
End If
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " "
If ClienteActual.ObtenerRUTCliente.Length > 2 Then
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " " & Forma(1,29,ClienteActual.ObtenerRUTCliente) & " " & ClienteActual.ObtenerRUTCliente
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " X X"
End If
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& "CLIENTE: " & Forma(1, 26, "(" & CStr(ClienteActual.ObtenerIdClienteCliente ) & ")" & " " & ClienteActual.ObtenerNombreCliente ) & " CLIENTE: " & Forma(1, 26, "(" & CStr(ClienteActual.ObtenerIdClienteCliente ) & ")" & " " & ClienteActual.ObtenerNombreCliente)
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& "DIRECCION: " & Forma(1, 25, CStr(ClienteActual.ObtenerDireccionCliente )) & " "& "DIRECCION: " & Forma(1, 25, CStr(ClienteActual.ObtenerDireccionCliente ))

PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " "

For I=1 To ArticulosPedido.Size
EsteArticulo = ArticulosPedido.Get(I-1)
'Cantidad, Detalle, Precio y Subtotal
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& Forma(2, 5, redondeo2(EsteArticulo_ObtenerCantidad,1)) & " " & Forma(1, 18, EsteArticulo_ObtenerDetalle ) & " " & Forma(2, 6, SinImpuestos(EsteArticulo_ObtenerPrecio , EsteArticulo_Obteneriva )) & Forma(2, 7, SinImpuestos(EsteArticulo_ObtenerCantidad*EsteArticulo_ObtenerPrecio , EsteArticulo_Obteneriva )) &" "&Forma(2, 5, redondeo2(EsteArticulo_ObtenerCantidad,1)) & " " & Forma(1, 18, EsteArticulo_ObtenerDetalle ) & " " & Forma(2, 6, SinImpuestos(EsteArticulo_ObtenerPrecio , EsteArticulo_Obteneriva )) & Forma(2, 7, SinImpuestos(EsteArticulo_ObtenerCantidad*EsteArticulo_ObtenerPrecio , EsteArticulo_ObtenerIVA ))

For j = ArticulosPedido.Size To 12
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " "

PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& Forma(1, 2, CStr(IvaBasico)) & "% " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalBasico,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaBas,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 7, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalBasico + ObtenerSubtotalMinimo + ObtenerSubtotalExento,1))) & " " & Forma(1, 2, CStr(IvaBasico)) & "% " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalBasico,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaBas,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalBasico + ObtenerSubtotalMinimo + ObtenerSubtotalExento,1)))
'IVA Mínimo
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& Forma(1, 2, CStr(IvaMinimo)) & "% " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalMinimo,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaMin,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 7, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaMin + ObtenerIvaBas,1))) & " " & Forma(1, 2, CStr(IvaMinimo)) & "% " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerSubtotalMinimo,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 8, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaMin,1))) & " " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round2(ObtenerIvaMin + ObtenerIvaBas,1)))
PrintBuffer=PrintBuffer & Chr(13)&Chr(10)& " 0% " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & ObtenerSubtotalExento) & " $0 " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round(ObtenerValorVenta))) & " 0% " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & ObtenerSubtotalExento) & " $0 " & Forma(2, 9, "$" & CStr(Round(ObtenerValorVenta)))

End Sub

Sub Printer_Connected (Success As Boolean)
If Success Then
printer.Write (" ")
printer.WriteLine (" ")
Msgbox("Proceso de Impresión realizado","")
If Msgbox2("", "Error de Impresión","Reintentar","Cancelar","",Null) = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub StartPrinter
Dim PairedDevices As Map


PairedDevices = cmp20.GetPairedDevices
Msgbox("Imposible conectar Bluetooth","Error de Impresión")
End Try

If PairedDevices.Size = 0 Then
End If

End Sub
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