How can I avoid blocking the Bluetooth connection of my Android Smartphone with a B4R device via an HC-05 module?
The Java error message is always the same: " read failed, socket might closes or timeout, read ret: -1"
This never happens on the first connection, the error is generated by the 2nd connection attempt.
And if I restart my Smartphone, this error does not occur.
Is a B4A code change planned to prevent these Java bugs from recurring?
The Java error message is always the same: " read failed, socket might closes or timeout, read ret: -1"
This never happens on the first connection, the error is generated by the 2nd connection attempt.
And if I restart my Smartphone, this error does not occur.
Is a B4A code change planned to prevent these Java bugs from recurring?
Sub Class_Globals
Private Admin As BluetoothAdmin
Public Astreams As AsyncStreams
Private Serial As Serial
Private PH As Phone
Private mParent As Object
Private mEventName As String
Private lblStatus As Label
Private ProgressBar1 As ProgressBar
Private GenericDeviceName, DeviceName As String
Public BluetoothState, ConnectionState, DeviceFound As Boolean
Private DeviceName = "HC-05", DeviceMacAdress As String
Public CharSet = "UTF-8" As String
Private sb As StringBuilder
Public State As String
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(Parent As Object, EventName As String, StatusLabel As Label, Pgb As ProgressBar)
mParent = Parent
mEventName = EventName
lblStatus = StatusLabel
ProgressBar1 = Pgb
If Admin.IsEnabled = False Then
If Admin.Enable = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Bluetooth module not available", True)
ToastMessageShow("Bluetooth module available...", False)
End If
BluetoothState = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Connect(Name As String)
GenericDeviceName = Name
Dim success As Boolean = Admin.StartDiscovery
If success = False Then
lblStatus.Text = "Search process error"
lblStatus.Text = "Device search in progress"
'ProgressBar1.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Disconnect
If Astreams.IsInitialized Then Astreams.Close
If Serial.IsInitialized Then Serial.Disconnect
End Sub
Private Sub Admin_DeviceFound (Name As String, MacAddress As String)
Log(Name & ":" & MacAddress)
If Name.Contains(GenericDeviceName) Then
Log(GenericDeviceName & " found")
DeviceName = Name
DeviceMacAdress = MacAddress
If PH.SdkVersion <= 33 Then
lblStatus.Text = GenericDeviceName & " found"
lblStatus.Text = GenericDeviceName & " found, please wait."
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Admin_DiscoveryFinished
If DeviceName = "" Then
lblStatus.Text = "Module " & GenericDeviceName & " non détecté"
Msgbox2Async("The HC-05 Bluetooth Module does not seem to be powered, turn on the car, the red mini-LED on the module should flash quickly then press the “Connect” button again.","Check the module power", "OK", "", "", Null, True)
Wait For Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
lblStatus.Text = "Connection to " & GenericDeviceName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Admin_StateChanged (NewState As Int, OldState As Int)
Log("Status change: " & NewState)
lblStatus.Text = "Actual status: " & NewState
BluetoothState = NewState = Admin.STATE_ON
End Sub
Sub Serial_Connected (Success As Boolean)
Private msg As String
If Success = True Then
If Astreams.IsInitialized Then Astreams.Close
Astreams.Initialize(Serial.InputStream, Serial.OutputStream, "Astreams")
msg = "HC05 Bluetooth Module connected"
ProgressBar1.Visible = False
msg = LastException.Message
End If
lblStatus.Text = msg
CallSubDelayed2(mParent, mEventName & "_Connected", Success)
End Sub
Public Sub SendBytes(Buffer() As Byte)
End Sub
Public Sub SendText(Text As String)
End Sub
Public Sub Ast_NewText(Text As String)
CallSubDelayed2(mParent, mEventName & "_NewText", Text)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteText(Text As String)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteBytes(Buffer() As Byte)
End Sub
Private Sub Astreams_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
Dim newDataStart As Int = sb.Length
sb.Append(BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, CharSet))
Dim s As String = sb.ToString
Dim start As Int = 0
For i = newDataStart To s.Length - 1
Dim c As Char = s.CharAt(i)
If i = 0 And c = Chr(10) Then '\n...
start = 1
End If
If c = Chr(10) Then
CallSubDelayed2(mParent, mEventName & "_NewText", s.SubString2(start, i))
start = i + 1
Else If c = Chr(13) Then
CallSubDelayed2(mParent, mEventName & "_NewText", s.SubString2(start, i))
If i < s.Length - 1 And s.CharAt(i + 1) = Chr(10) Then
i = i + 1
End If
start = i + 1
End If
If start > 0 Then sb.Remove(0, start)
End Sub
Private Sub Astreams_Terminated
CallSubDelayed(mParent, mEventName & "_Finished")
End Sub
Private Sub Astreams_Error
Log("error: " & LastException)
CallSubDelayed(mParent, mEventName & "_Finished")
End Sub
Public Sub Close
End Sub