Android Question Bluetooth get UUIDs available before Connect them


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From noname CN device Android 4.0.3 to be connecting to LG P500 with factory ROM Android v.2.3. as in my signature.
Also tried my old app without BluethoothAdmin, old lib - the same result. But i have never tried this LG before for BT - no idea how should be.
Aim is to develop SPP connection. How to be sure that SPP is supported ?

But if to try serial1.Connect3(Settings.connectedDevice.Mac, 1) - LG is connected as headset OK ! (but if to try to send a byte - disconnected)
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Licensed User
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Other ports give [JSR82] connect: Connection is not created (failed or aborted).
How to be sure in UUID ? I guess, universal way is to get all UUIDs and select among available.
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Longtime User
You are right, listening must be already on the other side.
But strange that this started to work with HyperTerminal under Win7 Bluetooth notebook, but does not work, if another side is Android with a Blutooth server from Play Market, listening the connection.
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