Bluetooth not receiving data

Philip Prins

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I use the Bluetooth example,first time i receive data.When i compile the program
again and send it with wifi to B4A Bridge i have to restart the android device again.Because i am new to B4A i have to do that a lot, i am afraid that i have to replace the ON OFF button after a couple of weeks.

Does anyone have the same experiance and a solution?



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There are a lot of advantages to using the ADB (Android Debugging Bridge) via a USB cable.

I'd try to get that to work if I were you, I think its a must for serious development.
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I did much work with Bluetooth and have not done a reset. The chat example uses prefix mode , and will run with programs installed on two android devices. If you are trying to use for interfacing to other device like micro, try non prefix.

There are a few posts that can be found using the search in forum.

The prefix mode will only work if the packet length 32bit, is handled correctly at each end. Otherwise the device may hang when waiting for data, and installing new apk may cause crash.
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Also as I wrote when I replied to your private message, instead of turning your device off and on again you might try going into Settings > System > Bluetooth Settings

long-press on your device and choose 'unpair' then pair again.

I suspect that if you get ADB working over a USB cable your problems will go away.
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Philip Prins

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Found the Problem

The problem is in the phone ,with the tablet i have no problems.
I will try the USB cable , thanks guys.
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