Android Question BluetoothAdmin Enable/Disable function stopped working on Android 13


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Is there a way to get the BluetoothAdmin Enable/Disable function to work that turns Bluetooth off and on?

On Android 12 BTAdmin.Enable returns true and Bluetooth is turned on.

On Android 13 BTAdmin.Enable returns false the Bluetooth is not turned on

BTAdmin.Disable also returns the same results. Works for Android 12, Fails for Android 13

Is there a fix?

Is there a new Permission and if yes what is it?


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It actually works on my Pixel 3 running SDK 31 with my app set to targetSdkVersion = 33.

Could you mean new restriction for devices running SDK>31?

Based on the new restriction, I was thinking of disabling (hiding) the option in my app to enable/disable Bluetooth on devices running SDK>31.
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I don't have a device running sdk 32 but based on that it should still work.

So I will hide option for devices running sdk 33+.

Thanks for you help.
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