There are 10 activities in my appliccation, when I switch between some of them, the background gets corrupted. I use the same layout for 8 activities, if that may cause the problem? The background image gets blurry and fuzzy and when I go more than 10 times from the main activity to the one of the others, the app breaks.
First few times it is totally fine, but after five times it starts with being little blurry. Every single time I exit the activity and go back in, the background image just gets worse and after like ten times the app snaps. It doesn't give any errors or anything that could suggest any problem.
It is like that when I use AVD manager and also when I use wireless connection via b4a bridge.
Please help
First few times it is totally fine, but after five times it starts with being little blurry. Every single time I exit the activity and go back in, the background image just gets worse and after like ten times the app snaps. It doesn't give any errors or anything that could suggest any problem.
It is like that when I use AVD manager and also when I use wireless connection via b4a bridge.
Please help