Android Question Bottom android bar


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Hi !

When i use my application (with Kitkat), if i manually hide the android bottom bar (i don't know exactly its name) all the portion where was the bar become a black rectangle ! So is there a method to refresh my appli to avoid this ? (i've some navigation buttons here).

Could you really hide the bar to avoid this ? (Not sure to find the correct code as i don't know this bar english name)

Many thanks !


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i use this from Informatix (

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim jo AsJavaObject = Activity
Dim e As Object = jo.CreateEvent("android.view.View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener", "VisibilityChanged", Null)
jo.RunMethod("setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener", ArrayAs Object(e))
Activity.Width = -1
Activity.Height = -1
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
Activity.Color = Colors.Red
End Sub

Sub  ForceImmersiveMode
Dim r AsReflector
r.Target = r.GetActivity
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getWindow")
r.Target = r.RunMethod("getDecorView")
r.RunMethod2("setSystemUiVisibility", 5894, "")End SubSub VisibilityChanged_Event(MethodName AsString, Args() As Object) As Object
End Sub

Sub Activity_WindowFocusChanged(HasFocus As Boolean)
If HasFocus Then
End Sub

Is it possible to adapt the code to keep the top activity title bar ? (i've a menu)
Thanks !
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