Thank you Erel
I neglected to add BroadcastReciever or intent.
I have a Java BroadcastReceiver app that I must communicate with now but I have not been able to comprehend how to make any BroadcastReceiver work. Beyond this Java app I believe BroadcastReceiver and Intents will be incredibly important because inter-app communications will become more and more essential, so I want to learn. What can make an app smarter? Communications.
I have been trying to understand and get BrooadcastReceiver to work for weeks with no success. I have posted several questions that you answered, posted job offers and even reached out directly and the conclusion I have reached is that few understand or are confident in their understanding of BroadcastReceiver.
The tutorials and community support is great but the fundamentals, the basics I feel are sometimes skipped. Your examples often use arrays and that is nine levels past hello world. Level nine is what I am striving for but I need to first understand hello world. So I am trying to get through my hello world with trial and error.
I felt my best course was to reduce the steps and potential problems to the absolute minimum. So I was seeking a way to confirm that app 1 is sending then app 2 is receiving other than app 2 responding back to app 1. Both are on the same device so app 2 is in the background so any response is after an activity start.