Burgular Alarm with photo feed - Possible?


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Hi everyone,
After being burgled over the weekend, Im wishing to start on a project.
Can anyone tell me if this would be theoretically possible in Basic4android?

1)-Program takes photo every second, analyses it for change from previous frame, alert if different (I.e. movement detected) - I can do this bit if theres a suitable camera library?

2) If movement noted, Im sent a txt message

3) The frame photo is emailed to me

I would encase the phone into a wall or something and keep it permanently connected to a charger, and a pay and go sim.

Is any of the above not technically possible yet before I embark on it?


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There are apps like the one at https://market.android.com/details?id=dk.mvainformatics.android.motiondetector&feature=search_result that do a similar thing so it is possible in Android but not sure about in B4A.

The texting bit is possible but the sending of email requires someone to hit the send button so you would probably have to use ftp to send the picture rather than email.

Not sure how you would do the movement sensor. If it wasn't possible then in theory you could try something as simple as comparing the file size of captured images as an image of the same environment without a person in, and then later with someone in, should take more storage space to encode that extra data so a larger file size might be a simple way to tell if someone has entered the room.

You could easily test that possibility simply by taking two pictures with your camera from the same point of view with a person in and then without.

Hope they caught who burgled you, my neighbour did that to me and got off with a suspended sentence so I hope your burglar gets found and dealt with.

Sorry if the replies not much help, but saw there hadn't been a reply yet so thought I would try and answer.

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Thanks for your reply, that link looks very interesting!

No luck in catching the theives ... the Police 'texted me a crime reference number' .... that seems to be it for Enquiries!
Im sure if I had a unpaid parking ticket it would get far more attention lol!

Its disgraceful that these people get such little deterent even when they are caught.

The movement detection isnt the hard bit. Just have a loop to sum all the differences from one pixel to the same pixel in the previous frame. Was just wondering how to get the pixel information from a photo (which I guess is saved in a compressed format)
Still if that program you found works that will save me writing it!
Anyway thanks again.
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No need to have a cam app on the phone, what you would need is just a web cam, most webcams come with software to do all that, you can instruct the software to email you as well as record every shot.
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