Camera just freezes up a


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I'm trying to get the camera to work. It constantly freezes up. I have to turn phone off to get it to reboot. It may be an issue with how I'm saving the files to disk. I am using CameraExclass. I think it's how i'm saving to disk as it crashes at that point.

dt1 is the date and time while dt2 is just the 4 digit year. I am trying to save the picture into /Saved/PDTK/Pics/ under today's year (which is dt2) so /Saved/PDTK/Pics/2013.

The filename is a category first (income, expsenses or pay stub), the date and time with .jpg at the end.

Thanks in advance.

Here is some code. This is suspect

dir = File.DirRootExternal & "/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2
filename = CamCat & dt1 & ".jpg"

camEx.SavePictureToFile(Data, dir, filename

'Creates folders if it does not exist
   DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy"
      dt2 = DateTime.Date(
      File.MakeDir(File.DirRootExternal,"/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2)

Sub Button2015PicExp_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "Expense_"

'Camera take picture


End Sub

Sub Button2017PicInc_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "Income_"

'Camera take picture


End Sub

Sub Button2016PicPayStub_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "PayStub_"

'Camera take picture


End Sub
Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
'Get date and time year-month-day_hour-min-sec
   DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
   dt1 = DateTime.Date(

   Dim dir As String
   Dim filename As String
   dir = File.DirRootExternal & "/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2
   filename = CamCat & dt1 & ".jpg"
   camEx.SavePictureToFile(Data, dir, filename)
   camEx.StartPreview 'restart preview
   'send a broadcast intent to the media scanner to force it to scan the saved file.
   Dim Phone As Phone
   Dim i As Intent
   i.Initialize("android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE", _
      "file://" & File.Combine(dir, filename))
   ToastMessageShow("Picture saved." & CRLF  & "File size: " & File.Size(dir, filename), True)

End Sub

Sub Camera1_Ready (Success As Boolean)
   If Success Then
      ToastMessageShow("Camera not ready. Turn phone off and on again to use camera.", True)
   End If

End Sub

Private Sub InitializeCamera
   camEx.Initialize(Panel2020, frontCamera, Me, "Camera1")
   frontCamera = camEx.Front

End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
'Releases camera so other applications can use it
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

'init camera
   InitializeCamera 'SR
End Sub

or maybe it's something else. A lot of times the first picture is taken OK but the 2nd picture frezzes the camera. Is there a length of time before you wan take another pic?
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Longtime User
I commented the line out and was able to click off 4 pictures (size 0) before the camera froze up. The screen froze the picture and the buttons stopped working on the screen. The program crashes. When I rerun the program it gives the error 'camera not ready'. I have to reboot the phone to get the camera to work again.
This time it gave an error in cameraclass_takepicture
that is the cameraexclass on the line "cam.TakePicture"

Public Sub TakePicture
End Sub
I did modify some of the code sense yesterday to see if I could figure out the problem. Here is the new code so it may be helpful in seeing something.

'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals

   Private frontCamera As Boolean = False
End Sub

Sub Globals   
'Camera (Used for camera on pages 5050 & 2000)
   Private camEx As CameraExClass
   Dim CamSaveDir, CamSaveFN As String
   Dim now As Long
   Dim dt1, dt2, CamCat As String

end sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Creates folders if it they do not exist
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved") = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved")
   End If
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK") = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK")
   End If
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Settings") = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Settings")
   End If
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/DataBases") = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/DataBases")
   End If
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Pics") = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Pics")
   End If
   'set 4 digit year and create a folder with that year to save pics into
   DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy"
      dt2 = DateTime.Date(
   If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2) = False Then
        File.MakeDir (File.DirRootExternal, "/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2)
   End If

Sub Button2015PicExp_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "Exp"

'Camera take picture


End Sub

Sub Button2017PicInc_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "Inc"

'Camera take picture


End Sub

Sub Button2016PicPayStub_Click
'Assign Category to save in pics folder as
   CamCat = "Stub"

'Camera take picture


End Sub

Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
'Get date and time year-month-day_hour-min-sec
   DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
   dt1 = DateTime.Date(
   Dim dir As String
   Dim filename As String
'dt2 is current year folder
   dir = File.DirRootExternal & "/Saved/PDTK/Pics/" & dt2 

'CamCat is category (income, expense or paystub), dt1 is curent date and time
   filename = CamCat & dt1 & ".jpg" 
   camEx.SavePictureToFile(Data, dir, filename)
   camEx.StartPreview 'restart preview
'send a broadcast intent to the media scanner to force it to scan the saved file.
   Dim Phone As Phone
   Dim i As Intent
   i.Initialize("android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE", "file://" & File.Combine(dir, filename))
   ToastMessageShow("Picture saved." & CRLF  & "File size: " & File.Size(dir, filename), True)

End Sub
Sub Camera1_Ready (Success As Boolean)
   If Success Then
      ToastMessageShow("Camera not ready. Turn phone off and on again to use camera.", True)
   End If

End Sub

Private Sub InitializeCamera
   camEx.Initialize(Panel2020, frontCamera, Me, "Camera1")
   frontCamera = camEx.Front

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
'Releases camera so other applications can use it
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
'init camera
   InitializeCamera 'SR
End Sub
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