I can't seem to save images to an sql lite database on my android tablet using the camera object. I am sure this is simple but I am having fits. I can take a picture and put it into memory. When I try to put it into a database and then retrieve it, I get nothing but errors.
this is my sample code assuming a table named images with only on column which is a blob:
Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery("insert into Images values (" & Array As Object(Data) & ")")
ButtonTakePicture.Enabled = True
End Sub
this is my sample code assuming a table named images with only on column which is a blob:
Sub Camera1_PictureTaken (Data() As Byte)
Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery("insert into Images values (" & Array As Object(Data) & ")")
ButtonTakePicture.Enabled = True
End Sub