i am starting to develop a big app with b4a.
this app works with 15-20 tables/files (which are stored in a local-sql-db and also in a mysql-db on my server.
so i think its better to have a code_module which includes some subs for every transaction
(like "read sql-table" or "read mysql-table" or "put sql-table" and so on).
my both first tests with sql and mysql in b4a doesnt work correctly so i think its better, someone makes/developes me this code_module and i can extended this module for more options (and learn with this code).
this code_mudule should be flexible, so the subs should have export and import parameter for the table-name, needed/used fields, and key-filters, and some more)
i would pay for this module(with good inline-comments) 150-200 €.
is anybody here who is interested to do it? (then i would give a lot more details for my needed module)
@admin - is it ok to ask here in this forum for buying for some code/module?
this app works with 15-20 tables/files (which are stored in a local-sql-db and also in a mysql-db on my server.
so i think its better to have a code_module which includes some subs for every transaction
(like "read sql-table" or "read mysql-table" or "put sql-table" and so on).
my both first tests with sql and mysql in b4a doesnt work correctly so i think its better, someone makes/developes me this code_module and i can extended this module for more options (and learn with this code).
this code_mudule should be flexible, so the subs should have export and import parameter for the table-name, needed/used fields, and key-filters, and some more)
i would pay for this module(with good inline-comments) 150-200 €.
is anybody here who is interested to do it? (then i would give a lot more details for my needed module)
@admin - is it ok to ask here in this forum for buying for some code/module?