Android Question Can I update the recommended items in SDK manager without concequences?


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Can I update the recommended items in SDK manager without concequences for "required sources" who are copied to the Android sdk folder?


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It is suggested (by @Erel ), that the SDK Manager does not need to be used.
For B4A to function, all necessary items at known working versions are included in the downloads accompanying the B4A setup.
Using the SDK Manager indiscriminately might cause difficult to identify compatibility issues and/or outright failures.
That said, I have often installed the Recommended Items without noticeable issues, but my use of B4A is (still) very modest and limited.

The safest answer overall though is: "Don't use SDK Manager unless you understand WHY you need to use it."
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Thank you MikeSW17 and Sandman.
I already had Android Studio installed instead of the Command Line version. So it is ok to update that? Or is it better to have both separate installed?
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The default installation settings for Android Studio and Suggested Folder Structure (and Names) for B4A keep the 2 packages entirely separate and won't affect each other.
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I made now separate and folders as suggested. Works good with real mobile and bridge, but create emulator gives error. Emulator via Android Studio is really fast with HAXM.
But is ok, I can work with it.
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