I get struggle with this problem
I want to use the FirebaseRemoteConfig lib, but it raises an error in Android 4.4- if I change the line in manifest.
Is possible to give this two line in manifest (or use different manifest files) and use one or other according to the android version?
Android 4.4- : CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Firebase)
Android 4.4+ : CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseRemoteConfig.Firebase)
Thanks in advance for any tip.
How to fix error "Default FirebaseApp is not initialized": Firebase RemoteConfig + manifest snippet
I'm using this lib Firebase RemoteConfig and works fine, but in device with Android 4.2, I get this error: I checked the problem and the cause is in manifest snippet. The instructions of the lib FirebaseConfig says: Replace in the Manifest editor the line CreateResourceFromFile(Macro...

Is possible to give this two line in manifest (or use different manifest files) and use one or other according to the android version?
Android 4.4- : CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseAnalytics.Firebase)
Android 4.4+ : CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, FirebaseRemoteConfig.Firebase)
Thanks in advance for any tip.