B4J Code Snippet Canadian / USA Postal Zipcodes (attached)

The attached files contain Canadian postal codes and US zip codes - for each region.
The Cdn postal codes only contain the first 3 characters of the code - since Canada Post (government agency) won't release the full (many) postal codes for public use (they sell it).

Sqlite3 db's for Canada only - since US db was too large to upload here (2 meg).

Csv - for importing into other db's. Table structure in first row.
US csv in two files due to size (limits for posting).

Table definition:
' country code      : iso country code, 2 characters

' postal code       : varchar(20)

' place name        : varchar(180)

' admin name1       : 1. order subdivision (state) varchar(100)

' admin code1       : 1. order subdivision (state) varchar(20)

' admin name2       : 2. order subdivision (county/province) varchar(100)

' admin code2       : 2. order subdivision (county/province) varchar(20)

' admin name3       : 3. order subdivision (community) varchar(100)

' admin code3       : 3. order subdivision (community) varchar(20)

' latitude          : estimated latitude (wgs84)

' longitude         : estimated longitude (wgs84)

' accuracy          : accuracy of lat/lng from 1=estimated to 6=centroid

Data was sourced here: http://download.geonames.org/export/zip/
Data is available for all World countries...



  • cdn_postal_sqlitedb.zip
    97.9 KB · Views: 355
  • cdn_postal.zip
    35.1 KB · Views: 333
  • us_zipcodes1.zip
    288 KB · Views: 306
  • us_zipcodes2.zip
    318.1 KB · Views: 306