Cannot Install any Apk!


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I can't install any application compiled basic4android.
Copy the. apk on the device and when you put me install says "it can not install on the phone."

The option of permitting facilities outside the market, is active.

Need help urgently, I have 14 devices to which I install an application on android.

Please Help!!!!
Android version: 2.1


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I can't install any application compiled basic4android.
Copy the. apk on the device and when you put me install says "it can not install on the phone."

The option of permitting facilities outside the market, is active.

Need help urgently, I have 14 devices to which I install an application on android.

Please Help!!!!
Android version: 2.1

Do you mean you have 14 different devices you wish to install to and that they all have this error?

You only need to connect your computer to the phone using a usb connection and then in the B4A ide click the compile and run button and that should automatically install the apk to your connected Android device.

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Need Help!!! cannot install any apk basic4!

Sorry for posting 2 times ..
If I can install other APK on the device, but none generated basic4

14 devices
- LY-090
- 06/02/1925 Rockchip 1.2.7
- rk-1.3.2.eng.root.20100902
- Android 2.1 Firmware

Need Help!
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Which program do you use to install apk's?

And did you try to compile and run any of the examples?

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Download the application "B4a"and when I install it tells me I can not be installed on the device.

Apk's no work for me anywhere in the tablet.
Other apks if installed.

Tablet Mid 10'
- LY-090
- 06/02/1925 Rockchip 1.2.7
- rk-1.3.2.eng.root.201
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Download the application "B4a"and when I install it tells me I can not be installed on the device.

Apk's no work for me anywhere in the tablet.
Other apks if installed.

If you go to the Android market on your Android tablet and from the market search for B4A Bridge, and it does not install try (from your Android device) to install something like one of the following....


Both are apps written with Basic4Android and if they do not work for you, but other market apps do, then you may be right that it is something about Basic4Android causing your problem.

If either app does install then you will at least know that apps made with the Basic4Android language will work for you and it may help get closer to the cause of your problem.

The easiest way to test your setup would be:

1. Connect your Android tablet to your Windows pc (specifically the pc with B4A ide installed on it) using a usb lead.

2. Run the ide and load in a .b4a file (if unsure go to the share your creations forum on this site, download a zip file attached to the post of an example app you like, unzip that file to your pc and from the ide open the b4a file you will find in the folder you just extracted to).

3. On the ide you will see a blue button, like a "play" button you see on things like DVD players. Click that. It will display a window telling you it is compiling the application, it will then put the finished application onto your tablet device.

4. When the window says it has completed installation go to the folder on your Android device where you usually go to see installed apps, you will see your new app listed there. Then just run it as you do with any other Android app.

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Apk's no work for me anywhere in the tablet.
Other apks if installed.

Tablet Mid 10'
- LY-090
- 06/02/1925 Rockchip 1.2.7
- rk-1.3.2.eng.root.201

Can you confirm you do indeed have the Android market installed on your tablet?

I notice you say other apk's work if already installed, which suggests to me you may have been trying to install market apps from a web browser on your tablet.

This could be causing your problem, I'll explain why and how to sort if if this is the case.

I did some research on the model tablet you said you are using and it is a generic brand from Shenzhen in China which is released by different companies under different names.

On most of these devices you need to install the market, and to enable non market sources as well, I found a page showing how you can do this at How to Install Market APK app on Your Apad/Epad/Gpad/Chinese Android Tablet or Phone | China Phones Reviews

This may solve your problem.

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Can you confirm you do indeed have the Android market installed on your tablet?

I notice you say other apk's work if already installed, which suggests to me you may have been trying to install market apps from a web browser on your tablet.

This could be causing your problem, I'll explain why and how to sort if if this is the case.

I did some research on the model tablet you said you are using and it is a generic brand from Shenzhen in China which is released by different companies under different names.

On most of these devices you need to install the market, and to enable non market sources as well, I found a page showing how you can do this at How to Install Market APK app on Your Apad/Epad/Gpad/Chinese Android Tablet or Phone | China Phones Reviews

This may solve your problem.


if I have successfully installed the market and I can download and install various applications.
The B4a-bridge fails when I install it.

Apk file generated by the IDE I put it on the tablet and when I install it gives me error.

The APAD is irobot and figure with Android 2.1 but I think it must have Android 1.5

Basic4Android runs on Android 1.5?
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You can update an Apad to a version of Android higher than 1.5 but you would risk damaging it if you do it wrong. Information on doing it safely can be found at Apad-scene: How to update aPad/Moonse/iRobot Firmware


Edit: to find what version of Android you are using try the following....
Go to your home screen.
Click the menu button.
Touch “Settings.”
Scroll to the very bottom of the list that comes up and touch “About.”
Scroll to the bottom again and look at the line titled “Firmware version.”
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