iOS Question Can't download app from Mac Builder [Solved]


Licensed User
Longtime User
Recently i change my mac.

So now i have Mojave already install B4iBuildServer 5.3 and run ok

B4i Build Server

Build server is running.
Version: 5.3
Server time: 22:45:28
Mac SSL Key

Invalid key!!!
SSL port: 51042
h files

iFirebaseNotifications: 1.00
iCustomDialog: 1.00
iAdMob: 1.60
iXmlBuilder: 1.00
iEventKit: 1.00
iReleaseLogger: 1.00
iSideMenu: 1.01
iSVG: 1.20
iTableView: 1.21
iUI8: 1.51
iARKit: 1.00
iStringUtils: 1.01
iSQL: 1.50
iArchiver: 1.20
iXUI: 1.70
iGameView: 1.05
iSpeechRecognition: 1.00
iHUD: 1.00
iLeadbolt: 2.00
iRandomAccessFile: 1.72
iGameCenter: 1.01
iHttp: 1.01
iStore: 1.21
iNet: 1.70
iGoogleMaps: 1.41
iXUI2D: 0.99
iCore: 5.31
iFacebook: 1.00
iBLE: 2.00
iBarcode: 1.20
iWebSocket: 1.10
iXmlSax: 1.10
iDebug2: 1.60
iFirebaseAuth: 1.02
iMedia: 1.22
iFirebaseAnalytics: 1.00
iDesigner: 1.20
iFirebaseStorage: 1.10
iTabStrip: 1.00
iRSA: 1.0
iAd: 1.00
iEncryption: 1.02
iContacts: 1.00
iDebug: 1.60
iNetwork: 1.32
iPhone: 2.00
iLocation: 1.20
iMQTT: 1.0
iAnalytics: 1.0
iUI9: 1.0
iJSON: 1.0
iDropboxSync: 1.00
a files

libiBLE, size=228216, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:22
libiDropboxSync, size=80960, modified=05/04/2017 17:19:36
libiHttpUtils2, size=342992, modified=09/12/2018 18:21:28
libiHttp, size=122656, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:04
libiWebSocket, size=401984, modified=01/15/2018 20:53:58
libiXUI2D, size=8542896, modified=09/04/2018 17:11:22
libiCustomDialog, size=2720512, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:32
libiNetwork, size=267336, modified=11/19/2017 18:13:02
libxCustomListView, size=448056, modified=08/19/2018 14:49:38
libiLocation, size=125184, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:14
libiStore, size=75856, modified=05/15/2018 18:23:18
libiNFC, size=40424, modified=10/08/2017 22:48:28
libiHUD, size=291472, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:06
libiRandomAccessFile, size=399912, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:38
libiNet, size=550208, modified=10/09/2017 21:33:34
libiBitmapCreator, size=696664, modified=09/04/2018 17:25:06
libiSpeechRecognition, size=168816, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:50
libiDebug2, size=1123376, modified=05/29/2018 18:18:42
libiXmlSax, size=62976, modified=08/17/2017 20:04:12
libiSQL, size=408088, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:54
libiEncryption, size=66512, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:34
libiUI8, size=572936, modified=08/23/2018 00:06:08
libiXUI, size=688856, modified=05/29/2018 18:27:54
libiARKit, size=213072, modified=12/02/2018 08:08:24
libiContacts, size=142816, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:24
libiTableView, size=194152, modified=05/04/2017 17:19:36
libiDesigner, size=939304, modified=08/17/2017 20:57:22
libiCallSubUtils, size=126952, modified=08/17/2017 20:33:06
libCore, size=3862648, modified=09/04/2018 22:00:18
libiSVG, size=83312, modified=08/17/2017 20:56:48
libiTabStrip, size=1335904, modified=08/17/2017 20:56:58
libiAdMob, size=492088, modified=05/24/2018 17:55:56
libiCustomListView, size=316424, modified=08/27/2017 23:51:10
libiMQTT, size=1703608, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:24
libiFacebook, size=93392, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:40
libiUI9, size=107056, modified=08/17/2017 20:04:04
libiAd, size=39072, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:12
libiFirebaseAuth, size=161512, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:44
libiGoogleMaps, size=171080, modified=08/15/2018 15:30:24
libAdapterInMobi, size=1125360, modified=05/04/2017 17:19:34
libiAnalytics, size=39392, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:16
libiLeadbolt, size=21440, modified=05/04/2017 17:19:36
libiGameCenter, size=158080, modified=11/06/2017 13:50:46
libiFirebaseStorage, size=140832, modified=12/06/2017 16:57:10
libiJSON, size=52960, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:10
libiStringUtils, size=55272, modified=04/11/2018 18:22:50
libiBarcode, size=249056, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:20
libiPhone, size=326664, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:34
libiRSA, size=145648, modified=09/03/2017 17:01:38
libiGameView, size=4018288, modified=06/07/2018 17:02:00
libiFirebaseNotifications, size=66600, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:46
libiArchiver, size=463088, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:18
libiDateUtils, size=257440, modified=10/18/2017 18:21:58
libiXmlBuilder, size=151384, modified=08/17/2017 20:04:08
libiSideMenu, size=505920, modified=08/17/2017 20:03:44
libiMedia, size=259208, modified=10/25/2017 13:40:54
libiReleaseLogger, size=50136, modified=08/17/2017 19:03:40
libiEventKit, size=330256, modified=08/17/2017 20:56:26
libiFirebaseAnalytics, size=33880, modified=08/17/2017 20:02:42

I'm able to compile but can't install apps

If i run

keytool -list -v -keystore key.jks -storepass 123456

i get the next info

Tipo de Almacén de Claves: jks
Proveedor de Almacén de Claves: SUN

Su almacén de claves contiene 2 entradas

Nombre de Alias: rootca
Fecha de Creación: 26/12/2018
Tipo de Entrada: trustedCertEntry

Propietario:, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Emisor:, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Número de serie: 92425c6446286aef
Válido desde: Tue Jul 22 02:37:28 CDT 2014 hasta: Fri Jul 19 02:37:28 CDT 2024
Huellas digitales del certificado:
     MD5: BC:DE:EC:52:AD:15:92:F0:E2:C4:F0:67:03:02:A6:24
     SHA1: EE:99:4D:77:D1:96:B9:05:2E:45:62:C9:2A:E3:4E:77:0C:7E:01:E1
     SHA256: FE:B2:BE:0F:AA:78:08:DD:D2:FE:FF:48:13:27:B0:08:A6:18:E0:16:BF:0D:95:3C:15:B4:F9:7A:63:3C:29:A1
Nombre del algoritmo de firma: SHA1withRSA
Algoritmo de clave pública de asunto: Clave RSA de 1024 bits
Versión: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 6F 9F DF FD 2D 56 17 00   34 02 26 AA 95 33 37 80  o...-V..4.&..37.
0010: 74 79 6A B5                                        tyj.
[, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL]
SerialNumber: [    92425c64 46286aef]

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 6F 9F DF FD 2D 56 17 00   34 02 26 AA 95 33 37 80  o...-V..4.&..37.
0010: 74 79 6A B5                                        tyj.


Nombre de Alias: jetty
Fecha de Creación: 26/12/2018
Tipo de Entrada: PrivateKeyEntry
Longitud de la Cadena de Certificado: 2
Propietario: CN=, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Emisor:, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Número de serie: 4
Válido desde: Wed Dec 26 21:02:27 CST 2018 hasta: Sat Dec 23 21:02:27 CST 2028
Huellas digitales del certificado:
     MD5: D2:2B:30:61:16:66:45:AB:DC:FF:FA:70:57:21:EF:40
     SHA1: 57:D5:EF:EE:8D:CB:07:7B:7D:47:64:44:7A:2C:76:BD:AA:89:F8:38
     SHA256: 90:FF:2F:FE:BB:1A:F2:8B:9B:52:4D:A3:53:23:42:3E:24:D7:52:7A:C6:C1:6D:74:0F:E6:B4:E4:08:B2:D4:62
Nombre del algoritmo de firma: SHA1withRSA
Algoritmo de clave pública de asunto: Clave RSA de 2048 bits
Versión: 3


#1: ObjectId: 2.16.840.1.113730.1.13 Criticality=false
0000: 16 1D 4F 70 65 6E 53 53   4C 20 47 65 6E 65 72 61  ..OpenSSL Genera
0010: 74 65 64 20 43 65 72 74   69 66 69 63 61 74 65     ted Certificate

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 6F 9F DF FD 2D 56 17 00   34 02 26 AA 95 33 37 80  o...-V..4.&..37.
0010: 74 79 6A B5                                        tyj.

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
  PathLen: undefined

#4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 40 7D 34 F8 C6 57 45 6C   50 06 58 08 9F 7C AE 17  @.4..WElP.X.....
0010: FF 18 7A 0D                                        ..z.

Propietario:, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Emisor:, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL
Número de serie: 92425c6446286aef
Válido desde: Tue Jul 22 02:37:28 CDT 2014 hasta: Fri Jul 19 02:37:28 CDT 2024
Huellas digitales del certificado:
     MD5: BC:DE:EC:52:AD:15:92:F0:E2:C4:F0:67:03:02:A6:24
     SHA1: EE:99:4D:77:D1:96:B9:05:2E:45:62:C9:2A:E3:4E:77:0C:7E:01:E1
     SHA256: FE:B2:BE:0F:AA:78:08:DD:D2:FE:FF:48:13:27:B0:08:A6:18:E0:16:BF:0D:95:3C:15:B4:F9:7A:63:3C:29:A1
Nombre del algoritmo de firma: SHA1withRSA
Algoritmo de clave pública de asunto: Clave RSA de 1024 bits
Versión: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 6F 9F DF FD 2D 56 17 00   34 02 26 AA 95 33 37 80  o...-V..4.&..37.
0010: 74 79 6A B5                                        tyj.
[, CN=B4I, OU=B4I, O=Anywhere Software, ST=Some-State, C=IL]
SerialNumber: [    92425c64 46286aef]

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 6F 9F DF FD 2D 56 17 00   34 02 26 AA 95 33 37 80  o...-V..4.&..37.
0010: 74 79 6A B5                                        tyj.


El almacén de claves JKS utiliza un formato propietario. Se recomienda migrar a PKCS12, que es un formato estándar del sector que utiliza "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore key.jks -destkeystore key.jks -deststoretype pkcs12".

In the phone i get

"Imposible conectarse a"

the only way to download is using the hosted mac builder

what can i do?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

This is the result when i start the server:

Build server version: 5.3
2018-12-27 09:41:21.644:INFO::main: Logging initialized @272ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
Loading default configuration file.
Mac version: 10.14.2
Xcode path: /Applications/
Xcode version: Xcode 10.1
Build version 10B61

Creating key for:
2018-12-27 09:41:24.320:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.4.z-SNAPSHOT; built: 2018-05-03T15:56:21.710Z; git: daa59876e6f384329b122929e70a80934569428c; jvm 1.8.0_191-b12
2018-12-27 09:41:24.393:INFO:oejs.session:main: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2018-12-27 09:41:24.393:INFO:oejs.session:main: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2018-12-27 09:41:24.396:INFO:oejs.session:main: node0 Scavenging every 660000ms
2018-12-27 09:41:24.407:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@5ec0a365{/,file:///Users/sog/B4X/B4iBuildServer/www,AVAILABLE}
2018-12-27 09:41:24.415:INFO:oejs.AbstractNCSARequestLog:main: Opened /Users/sog/B4X/B4iBuildServer/logs/b4j-2018_12_27.request.log
2018-12-27 09:41:24.459:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@1f28c152{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2018-12-27 09:41:24.490:INFO:oejus.SslContextFactory:main: x509=X509@1d16f93d(rootca,h=[],w=[]) for SslContextFactory@67b92f0a[provider=null,keyStore=file:///Users/sog/B4X/B4iBuildServer/key/key.jks,trustStore=null]
2018-12-27 09:41:24.491:INFO:oejus.SslContextFactory:main: x509=X509@2b9627bc(jetty,h=[],w=[]) for SslContextFactory@67b92f0a[provider=null,keyStore=file:///Users/sog/B4X/B4iBuildServer/key/key.jks,trustStore=null]
2018-12-27 09:41:24.701:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@307f6b8c{SSL,[ssl, http/1.1]}{}
2018-12-27 09:41:24.702:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @3338ms
Build server is ready
Build server version: 5.30

And yes i have installed the certificate ca.pem on the device.
Upvote 0


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes i can build the bridge like you can see in the attachment.

But i can't download it


  • Captura de pantalla 2018-12-27 a la(s) 10.12.49.png
    98.8 KB · Views: 253
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Licensed User
Longtime User
When I go to the URL see this

And when i click on the button to download then see this

And i can't download the APP.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I do have the same problem, the compilation is successuful but b4i-Bridge is unable to connect to the local BuildServer to download the compiled app..
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel the problem of Invalid key!!!

Mac SSL Key

Invalid key!!!
SSL port: 51042

Is cause the language of my MAC is Spanish if i change this to English then i get.

Mac SSL Key

Key IP:
SSL port: 51042

But even with this change i continue unable to download the compiled app.

What else can i do?
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