B4J Question can't run b4j app on Raspberry Pi??


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I can't run b4j app on Raspberry Pi3??
my OS:Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi 3

I have install javafx.....Below is my code
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. if [ ! -e armv6hf-sdk-8.60.9.zip ]; then
  3. wget http://download.gluonhq.com/javafxports/embedded/armv6hf-sdk-8.60.9.zip
  4. fi
  5. if [ ! -d armv6hf-sdk ]; then
  6. unzip armv6hf-sdk-8.60.9.zip
  7. fi
  8. # JRE_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm32-vfp-hflt/jre
  9. JRE_PATH=/opt/jdk1.8.0_171/jre
  10. cp armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar ${JRE_PATH}/lib/ext/
  11. cp armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/arm/* ${JRE_PATH}/lib/arm/
  12. cp armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/javafx.platform.properties ${JRE_PATH}/lib/
  13. cp armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/javafx.properties ${JRE_PATH}/lib/
  14. cp armv6hf-sdk/rt/lib/jfxswt.jar ${JRE_PATH}/lib/
  15. exit 0

After the install javafx, the message

run a JavaFX application,it show bug message
"Missing javafx actual execution components needed to execute this application"

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