I am unable to see HttpClient and HttpRequest variable types in my project when declaring variables....
For example
Dim hc As HttpClient
HttpClient never shows in the drop list and the program does not recaognize the variable type.
I can see these variable types when opening a "FaceBookWall.zip" project I downloaded from this site. I can even create variables with these file types and access proprties etc. in code using this project.
I have Http.jar and Http.xml files in my libraries folder.
Any reasons why I can't see / declare thses variable types in my project?
For example
Dim hc As HttpClient
HttpClient never shows in the drop list and the program does not recaognize the variable type.
I can see these variable types when opening a "FaceBookWall.zip" project I downloaded from this site. I can even create variables with these file types and access proprties etc. in code using this project.
I have Http.jar and Http.xml files in my libraries folder.
Any reasons why I can't see / declare thses variable types in my project?