Android Question Cant write to root external


New Member
Hello, I am new to this software and am just learning the basics. I tried writing to the root external on my device (nexus 4) with this:

Dim textwriter1 As TextWriter
textwriter1.Initialize(File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal, "random.txt", False))

And it gives me the error that permission is denied.

I then tried dirdefaultexternal which gave me the error that no such file or directory exists which makes sense as the nexus 4 has not sd card.

Does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?



New Member
I did not edit the manifest. I did, however, make the manifest.xml read only before I added the textwriter segment of the code. May that be the problem?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes, the checkbox should NOT be set so B4A can add permissions if a lib needs that.
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