I'm looking for a card flip code to use in my tarot application. The code should be compatible with B4X and B4XPages, and it should include a flip animation as seen in the video when a card is clicked. Each card should have both a front and back side, and these should change during the animation.
Video Link
Additionally, I'd like to have a shine effect under the card if possible.
Please let me know if you can develop this for me, and we can discuss payment via PayPal.
I'm looking for a card flip code to use in my tarot application. The code should be compatible with B4X and B4XPages, and it should include a flip animation as seen in the video when a card is clicked. Each card should have both a front and back side, and these should change during the animation.
Video Link
Additionally, I'd like to have a shine effect under the card if possible.
Please let me know if you can develop this for me, and we can discuss payment via PayPal.