Android Question Catching errors in LoadBitmap


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What is the proper way to load a bitmap to ensure a corrupted file doesn't kill everything? Is a Try/Catch block acceptable in the release version and what are the consequences of this, if any?



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A Try/Catch will be fine so long as you properly handle the failure to load the bitmap in the Catch block.
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B4X founder
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Note that you won't catch the most common error with bitmaps which is OutOfMemory
LoadBitmap / LoadBitmapSample / Bitmap.Initialize / Bitmap.InitializeSample all catch the OOM error internally and downsample the image. The image will be downsampled up to 5 times (1 / 32 of the original size). If at that point the process runs out of memory then it is probably better to let the app crash and fix the issue as there isn't enough memory to do anything useful.
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