I am using VideoView (Audio library) to display videos.
I would like to center it on the device. But I do not have information on height and width of the video.
By doing this:
The height and width returns me the width and height of the device but not the video
Any idea?
I am using VideoView (Audio library) to display videos.
I would like to center it on the device. But I do not have information on height and width of the video.
By doing this:
vv.LoadVideo(Main.DirActual, Main.NombreUnaImagen)
Activity.AddView(vv, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
Log("vv.Height "& vv.Height)
Log("vv.Width "& vv.Width)
The height and width returns me the width and height of the device but not the video
Any idea?