I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but is there anyway of changing the font colour within the desktop IDE? I use a high contrast screen setup and utilise black backgrounds with white fore colours. Unfortunately the IDE appears to take its background colour from the window background colour, which I have set as black. This means I am unable to see the code I am writing.
I know the code auto highlights key words and comments but an option to change the default font colour I feel would be useful. I have currently set my window backgrounds to white so I can see what I am coding but I develop eye strain after a while due to the brightness, hence the selection of black or dark backgrounds.
Any feedback or thoughts on this???
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but is there anyway of changing the font colour within the desktop IDE? I use a high contrast screen setup and utilise black backgrounds with white fore colours. Unfortunately the IDE appears to take its background colour from the window background colour, which I have set as black. This means I am unable to see the code I am writing.
I know the code auto highlights key words and comments but an option to change the default font colour I feel would be useful. I have currently set my window backgrounds to white so I can see what I am coding but I develop eye strain after a while due to the brightness, hence the selection of black or dark backgrounds.
Any feedback or thoughts on this???