New Member
I am trying to create a tab app and I use Designer with a panel to show chart When I try to run it on samsung tab emulator, the chart gets cut off though the chart panel is well inside in Designer. Pl see screen shots to get clear picture. How to ensure that the chart is within panel?
Designer size - 1024 x 580
Samsung tab size - 1024 x 600
MY relevant CHART CODE
pnlChart is panel name
thanks in advance
I am trying to create a tab app and I use Designer with a panel to show chart When I try to run it on samsung tab emulator, the chart gets cut off though the chart panel is well inside in Designer. Pl see screen shots to get clear picture. How to ensure that the chart is within panel?
Designer size - 1024 x 580
Samsung tab size - 1024 x 600
MY relevant CHART CODE
pnlChart is panel name
Sub CreateBarChart
pnlcharts.SetLayout(pnlcharts.Left,0, pnlcharts.Width, pnlcharts.Height)
Dim BD As BarData
BD.Target = pnlCharts
BD.BarsWidth = 15dip
BD.Stacked = False