Chose Language of virtual keyboard form Basic4PPC


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Is it possible to chose keyboard language from program Basic4PPC?
What I mean:
1. I have to languages installed on my PPC. So I have two of them on keyboard.
2. To switch between languages I must press the button (Lang) on virtual keyboard of PPC.
3. I have wrote program for Windows-CE and Windows Mobile witch has own virtual keyboard, with big keys. I use Hardware.Keypress code from hardware.dll library to emulate keypressing.
4. In Windows CE - If I want to switch keyboard to another language I use Hardware.Keydown(17):Hardware.Keypress(16):Hardware.KeyUp(17) code. It emulates (CTRL+SHift - pressing).
5. In WindowMobile - it does not work!.

So I need to emulate (leng) swap-switching button on virtual keyboard in Bassic4PPC program. I think that it's possible by using door.dll library. Mya be some one knows how to do this. As I remember Filippo in one post said that it's not difficult to write this code. :sign0085:


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I understand. But in this case I must call Keyboard first. Then emulate Mouse click and then hide keyboard back. More Over some users use alternative keyboard views. So in this case It will not so useful. It's strange that It difficult to make code in Basic4ppc. As I remember Filippo made dll with alternative keyboards. I know he use language like C# or something like this. But he knows where language switch register is.


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Hi, I tried to make swap-switching by mouse click emulation. It works only with general keyboard of PPC because mouse clicks button of this keyboard.But It does not work with my keyboard. My keyboard does not switching to second language. :BangHead:
I need this possibility. If it's not possible to make in Basic4ppc code, may be someone write small .dll of this function. ?:sign0085:


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Longtime User
You know. I wrote own keyboard just of matrix of Buttons objects. This keyboard I'd like to use only in my program and only with TextBox object. It's not necessary to make mouse emulation to switch in to numeric mode. Look, In my keyboard I made just one button which consistently changes keyboard mode (eng/rus/123). When you press this button code changes the layout and signs of letters/numbers on keyboard (just changes button.text parameter). Then after you press any button, subroute generate code like "Hardware.KeyPress(xxx). And in TextBox object appears corresponding character. If I want to emulate pressing symbols like :) ; ' ; " + ! $ and so on ) I use code like this "Hardware.KeyDown(16): Hardware.KeyPress(xxx):Hardware.KeyUp(16) So I get symbol like in shift mode of general KyeBoard of PPC. I wrote that in WindowsCE to make switching in (eng/rus/) modes It's just enough to use code like this KeyDown(16): Hardware.KeyPress(17):Hardware.KeyUp(16). But in PPC I still not found the similar code. :BangHead: