Is it possible to chose keyboard language from program Basic4PPC?
What I mean:
1. I have to languages installed on my PPC. So I have two of them on keyboard.
2. To switch between languages I must press the button (Lang) on virtual keyboard of PPC.
3. I have wrote program for Windows-CE and Windows Mobile witch has own virtual keyboard, with big keys. I use Hardware.Keypress code from hardware.dll library to emulate keypressing.
4. In Windows CE - If I want to switch keyboard to another language I use Hardware.Keydown(17):Hardware.Keypress(16):Hardware.KeyUp(17) code. It emulates (CTRL+SHift - pressing).
5. In WindowMobile - it does not work!.
So I need to emulate (leng) swap-switching button on virtual keyboard in Bassic4PPC program. I think that it's possible by using door.dll library. Mya be some one knows how to do this. As I remember Filippo in one post said that it's not difficult to write this code. :sign0085:
Is it possible to chose keyboard language from program Basic4PPC?
What I mean:
1. I have to languages installed on my PPC. So I have two of them on keyboard.
2. To switch between languages I must press the button (Lang) on virtual keyboard of PPC.
3. I have wrote program for Windows-CE and Windows Mobile witch has own virtual keyboard, with big keys. I use Hardware.Keypress code from hardware.dll library to emulate keypressing.
4. In Windows CE - If I want to switch keyboard to another language I use Hardware.Keydown(17):Hardware.Keypress(16):Hardware.KeyUp(17) code. It emulates (CTRL+SHift - pressing).
5. In WindowMobile - it does not work!.
So I need to emulate (leng) swap-switching button on virtual keyboard in Bassic4PPC program. I think that it's possible by using door.dll library. Mya be some one knows how to do this. As I remember Filippo in one post said that it's not difficult to write this code. :sign0085: