B4J Library [Class] jNumberSpinner

I have been looking for a numberspinner that allows Doubles as well as Integers to port for B4j but haven't been able to find one that did exactly what I wanted, so I decided I would write one, and here it is.

It uses NumberFormat2 to display the output and therefore has it's options. Although if you don't specify Minimum Integers or Grouping then 0 and False are assumed.

The spinner responds to Clicks on the Spinners arrows, and the Keyboard Up and Down Arrows.

The available methods are:

Steve Laming
Version: 1

  • Methods:

    AsNode As Node
    Get the AnchorPane that holds the NumberSpinner

    Grouping As Boolean
    Set whether grouping should be displayed

    Increment As Double
    Get / set the Increment

    Initialize(Module As Object, EventName As String, MinimumIntegers As Int, MaximumFractions As Int, Increment As Double) As String
    Initializes the object and set's the callback eventname and minimum required options.

    IsInitialized As Boolean
    Get the Initialized state of this Object

    Layout(Left As Double, Top As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double) As String - [Write Only]
    Set the Layout of the AnchorPane

    Left As Double
    Get/Set the AnchorPane Left value

    MaxFractions As Int
    Get / Set the maximum number of decimal places to display

    MaxValue As Double
    Get / Set the Maximum values

    MinFractions As Int
    Get / Set the minimum number of decimal places to display

    MinIntegers As Int
    Get / Set the minimum number of Integers to display

    MinValue As Double
    Get / Set the Minimum values

    PrefHeight As Double
    Get/Set the AnchorPane PrefHeight value

    PrefWidth As Double
    Get/Set the AnchorPane PrefWidth value

    Top As Double
    Get/Set the AnchorPane Top value

    Value As Double
    Get / Set the current Value. Should be between MinVal and MaxVal inclusive (if set)

Provided callbacks are:

{EventName}_ValueChanged(Val As Double,UserChanged As Boolean)
- Called when a value is changed
{EventName}_EntryReleased(Val As Double)
- Called when the Mouse Button or Up or Down arrow Keys are released.

The ENumClass code is also in the project.

Depends on:
javaobject, jenumclass

i hope you find it useful.


  • NumberSpinner.zip
    5 KB · Views: 939
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Azam Rafique

New Member
I am trying to use this class, and creating multiple Number Spinners using for-loop, when I change value of any Number Spinner, it calls a sub "Sub txt_value_ValueChanged", but when I use

Dim send as Node

Error is:
numberspinner._setvalue (java line: 523)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: b4j.example.numberspinner cannot be cast to javafx.scene.Node
at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.CallSub4(Common.java:456)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.CallSubNew3(Common.java:425)
at b4j.example.numberspinner._setvalue(numberspinner.java:523)

how can I do this?