I'm using the firebase push to send push-messages to my app. All users doesn't open the app by clicking on the notification. They mostly opens the app by clicking on the app-icon. Then, the app synchronize with the server to get the messages. Now I don't want to synchronize every message. Some types of messages should not be synchronized by the server. Earlier, it was possible to get the message by checkforpushmessages. But now, as Erel said:
My Idea is now, not to clear all notifications in the notification list when the app starts. Instead i want to hold a notification of a certain type in the list to get the informations later by clicking on it, when the app is first started by the app-icon. Is it possibel to differentiate the notifications by title or similar and delete not all? I think it is also possible to clear the list when the app goes to background, but this could be fast confusing.
This is how it works.
The push message information will only be available if the user clicks on the notification.
My Idea is now, not to clear all notifications in the notification list when the app starts. Instead i want to hold a notification of a certain type in the list to get the informations later by clicking on it, when the app is first started by the app-icon. Is it possibel to differentiate the notifications by title or similar and delete not all? I think it is also possible to clear the list when the app goes to background, but this could be fast confusing.