[CLOSED] about Anywhere Software strategy


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First of all, I would like to apologize for any rudeness or bad feeling I could generate because, in my mind, I have no reason to. In fact, I would have used pink color and flowers and natural parfume to initiate that thread.
Secondly, my question will probably seem stupid because, it could be asked by someone who complains and, again, this is not the case, really. Not criticism in anyway ; I couldn't in regard of all the "best efforts" and work Erel and Anywhere Software provide.

OK, a large breeze, let's go : something I can not understand (we already talked in a somehow thread some years ago), is Anywhere Software's strategy. As I can feel it, it is more based on gaining new users than retaining the older.
When I discovered Basic4Android some years ago, the IDE was not as complete but not so far. Because I came from other products, I thought (I was wrong) that it was at its beginning and will be completed. But it appears that some tasks are still difficult to do (I feel it as code centric instead of user centric (I mean the IDE doesn't ease some tasks)).
Even more : some tasks rely on additional libraries some genius are providing (and not on official libraries). Sorry, I am probably wrong but, most companies sell add-ons, but not here.

In the same time, Anywhere Software releases free products. I don't judge, don't critique, I am nobody to be allowed to be able to judge a third party marketing strategy but don't the existing users pay for the free ones while we are waiting for improvements (if Google didn't change the way to use its services and if that was not a good occasion to make users renew their licences, would we have got the version 6 now).
Watching the promotional video where Erel shows the interaction between the different devices made me think : "Oh, Erel bought some new toys".

I came to Basic4Android because I was not in capacity to learn Java and still wondering why B4A IDE does not simple tasks like showing forms to choose colors and generate the necessary codes, manage links to libraries (for example to the new FireBase) and generate the necessary codes in the manifest, templates for Android Wear, or too much things I can not think about but what an IDE proposes. Other people are thinking to enhancements to the language itself. In fact, today, while I write, I see the current IDE as a tool, nothing more. Not something that eases my work ; I am probably too used to others or too old or too stupid (choose by yourself).
In the same time, if Anywhere Software sees B4X as a suite of IDE, it is strange that it relies on Windows only (even more because of Erel's high level especially in Java).

If I am a bit lost trying to understand the future and reason of the product (perhaps nothing more than a tool a genius liking coding and wanting to live from his work created), I am not a sissi girl so you can bite, burn, ban, delete the post if you want.



Edit one day after (about the colors) : https://b4x.com/android/forum/threads/140-colors-hex-rgb.68187/#post-432247
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I can understand some of your critics but the products cover a wide range of OSes which makes it all harder to deal with so on that part Erel did a great job.

While we see Anywhere Software as a one man gang it's once said that there is a 'team' behind it. Who the others are and what they do is still a secret tho.

Free stuff attracts but on the other hand it slows down progress on the payed packages, you're right on that topic but I guess that's part of the marketing strategy.


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I came to Basic4Android because I was not in capacity to learn Java and still wondering why B4A IDE does not simple tasks like showing forms to choose colors and generate the necessary codes, manage links to libraries (for example to the new FireBase) and generate the necessary codes in the manifest, templates for Android Wear, or too much things I can not think about but what an IDE proposes.
Color picker:

Firebase is very easy to add in v6.00. 95% of the work is done by the IDE. You are just not aware of it.

A quick Google search reveals that Xamarin with its hundreds of developers still doesn't support it: https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/67822/support-for-google-firebase
CoronaLabs, doesn't support it: http://feedback.coronalabs.com/foru...ons/13928331-full-support-for-google-firebase
Embarcadero, doesn't support it as far as I see.
PhoneGap, doesn't support it: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/929

The reason that the manifest snippets are not added automatically is not technical. I actually started to implement it and later decided that it is a bad idea as there are cases where the developer would like to modify the snippets. Overall it is a matter of copying and pasting a few, well organized, snippets.

Anywhere Software aims to provide good RAD development tools for mobile applications, IoT solutions and more.

There is no other programming language that can create this example:

It doesn't mean that you cannot create excellent games:

Or great looking web apps:


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Free stuff attracts but on the other hand it slows down progress on the payed packages, you're right on that topic but I guess that's part of the marketing strategy.

First whats wrong with free provided softwares? We all enjoy them and not only new members so they are for everybody incl. Members that purchased b4x products.

I have never seen a such fast update rate like here. If you see the update log of b4a you will see that almost every 3-4 months a new update was released since b4a 1.0

Where have you seen something like that? And also the support we get here is phenomenal.

When i remeber the b4a ide and the possibilities i had 3 years ago (when i used for the first time b4a) and compare it to b4a 6.0 its a huge difference. Lots of great stuff were added like javaobject, new designer,..

And new free tools like b4j that we can use in addition with our b4a apps to make coding easier.

@lemonisdead I know that you dont criticize and i understand that maybe because you dont have ineterest in the new tools and only in b4a it seems to you like b4a is a little bit ignored but i think b4a will stay the main product of anywhere software and therfore we should expect great new stuff in the future :)
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@lemonisdead I know that you dont criticize and i understand that maybe because you dont have ineterest in the new tools and only in b4a it seems to you like b4a is a little bit ignored but i think b4a will stay the main product of anywhere software and therfore we should expect great new stuff in the future
I do absolutely agree, Ilan. The question, and Erel kindly, fully and precisely replied, is what I can afford as an engine for the rest of my journey :)
A car is cheap, I have full control over it. Because I drive it I can choose the route. Or a plane, more expensive, I have no choice (only the destination), quicker arrived and full of services. That's all :)


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I am not a sissi girl so you can bite, burn, ban, delete the post if you want.

Really? You are not!!!!! Ha ha.

This is my daughter. Stacey. Programmer girl!!! My Daughter!!!!

Sissi girl? NO! Programmer girl? Hell YEAH!!!! Anne-Laure, a big HUG!!!!


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@JakeBullet70 : my filters seem to have blocked what you wanted to demonstrate.
Congrats to the happy father you are