Wish Code examples for sony smart Watch


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I was searching and I got this:

Code examples for sony smart extensions
The Sony Add-on SDK includes the following utility code and examples for Smart Extension APIs:

  • SmartExtensionAPI – Defines the Smart Extension API. We recommend that all Smart Extensions include these classes.
  • SmartExtensionUtils – Helper classes that might be useful when developing Smart Extension apps.
  • SampleControlExtension – A Smart Extension that shows how to use the Control API.
  • AdvancedSampleControlExtension – A Smart Extension that shows how to use the list and gallery parts of the Control API v2.
  • SampleNotificationExtension – A Smart Extension that uses the Notification API to send text messages to the accessory.
  • SampleWidgetExtension – A Smart Extension that uses the Widget API to show the current time on the widget level of the accessory.
  • SampleSensorExtension – A Smart Extension that uses the Sensor API and the Control API to show the accessory accelerometer readings on the accessory.
My question : is it possible to create a library from one of this code examples (SmartExtensionUtils ? ) ?
