B4A Library Code Scanner

Hi, Awesome Code scanner library for Android, This is multi code scanner module. You can scan QR, Barcode etc in your app using this library. This library is based on ZXing.
Dependencies: com.google.zxing »core-3.4.1, appcompat-1.2.0,AwesomeCodeScanner-1.1


  • B4aCodescanner.zip
    4.6 KB · Views: 453
  • Librerie.zip
    84 KB · Views: 465


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hello, update of the Code Scanner library, an observation, I specify that the Dependencies in this regard in post # 1 it is advisable to use "core-3.3.3.aar and appcompat-1.1.0.aar", or also inserted camera back and camera front.


  • Librerie.zip
    85 KB · Views: 441
  • B4aCodescanner.zip
    4.6 KB · Views: 383


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Hi, I just tried your example, but it won't compile:

B4A Version: 10.2
Java Version: 11
Parsing code.    (0.00s)
Building folders structure.    (0.05s)
Compiling code.    (0.04s)
Compiling layouts code.    (0.02s)
Organizing libraries.    Error
Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\libraries\appcompat-1.1.0.aar'.

A file "AwesomeCodeScanner-1.1.aar" is included in the library, but no other .aar files.

As a newbie, I'm also a bit confused as even if I can find an 'appcompat-1.1.0.aar' file, we're told NOT to add any files to the B4A installation folders.


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hello, the 'appcompat-1.1.0.aar' library is missing in the b4a libraries unfortunately the file is 1.044 kb, you can download it yourself, and insert it in the library "in another folder AdditionalLibs2 / B4A" and configure b4a Tools and go to Configure Path, where you can put third-party libraries x b4a "