Combine DLLs into one


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Yes, you can combine various b4ppc libraries (official or not) into one.
How? Read below.

Download from here MSDN Code Gallery and extract it to a folder, lets say c:\illink

Download also .NET 1.1 or NET 2.0 (for ilasm.exe) and .NET 1.1 SDK or NET 2.0 SDK (for ildasm.exe) from Microsoft. Install them.

Add to your path the folder of ilasm.exe and the folder of ildasm.exe.

Now you are ready!

Lets say, you have three DLLs. dll1.dll, dll2.dll and dll3.dll and you want to combine them all to MyDLL.DLL. Run the following from the command prompt.

c:\illink\illink.exe dll1.dll dll2.dll dll3.dll /out=MyDLL.DLL

MyDLL.DLL now includes all the functionality of the three DLLs.

Edit: attached because GotDotNet site has been shut down.


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Hi Dimitris,
I am speechless... always wanted to minimize the number of files underneath my application directories.
Thanks so much for sharing this valuable information.


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Hi Dimitris
illink.exe claims it can't find msvcr70d.dll.
Before I download hundreds of megabytes of SDK's I thought it was a better idea to ask :)
No hurry


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Thank you, Erel,
I downloaded .NET 1.1 SDK. I will now try with the
.NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x86)


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Hi Louis,
Thanks a lot for your utility!
I have reworked the GUI and added some functions to catch up errors.
Still, it won't work without that msvcr70d.dll.


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Hi Erel,
Downloading the SDK 2.0 did not bring the msvcr70d.dll with it.
I have both frameworks, 1.1 and 2.0 installed on the desktop.
According to Microsoft, this library may not be redistributed.
Resonable to assume that it is part of a commercial package.
Question remaining, which package?


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Hi, thanks so much Louis, the MSVCR70d.dll error is out of the way :)
However, it does not combine. I tried at the DOS prompt:

C:\gui\illink.exe C:\gui\Bitwise.dll C:\gui\Hardware.dll /out=C:\gui\henshu.dll

Failed to open intermediate input file. Possible failure disassembling C. Specified file not found.


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Make sure the folder containing ilasm.exe is in your path. ilasm is not part of the SDKs but it is included in normal .NET installation.

If it is not included (in your path) then include it, or try copying it to c:\gui


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Haisai Dimitris,

Thanks a lot for the 'cavallery' :)

I copied both, ilasm.exe and oldasm.exe, including their config files into the gui folder and run illink.bat in C:\gui\

Sorry, but no better results.

I uploaded the complete gui folder to (530KB)

If it is not too much trouble, could you please compare it with your configuration? No hurry :)



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Hi all,

DeeCee is right (agraham too)

ILMerge works fine for me (illink too) and it seems it has not other dependencies.

Thank you DeeCee and agraham.

Haisai Robert,

I downloaded your gui folder and works fine here, but I'm stopping researching further as ILMerge will do the job easier.
Please let me know if everyone wants to continue.


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Just downloaded ilMerge, and I join you :)

In DOS, I used

Version 1.1
C:>ilmerge1>ilmerge /keyfile:registrydesktop.dll hardwaredesktop.dll /out:myappdesktop.dll

Version 2.0
C:>ilmerge2>ilmerge /keyfile:registrydesktop.dll hardwaredesktop.dll /out:myappdesktop.dll

Both create myappdesktop.dll with the right size, but can't be loaded into the IDE, claiming (in Japanese) it can't open the assembly public key.

I had to add mscorsn.dll to get it that far.

Anything wrong with my batch?

Since my gui folder worked for dzt, but not for me, one could assume that something is missing or incorrect in my system. Both frameworks, 1.1 and 2.0 are installed.

Haisai Dimitris
Thanks a lot for testing!


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Hais... No No Hi Robert (please I need more Japaneese words:)),

Well this works fine for me.

ilmerge registrydesktop.dll hardwaredesktop.dll /out:myappdesktop.dll


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Konnichi wa (Good Day), Dimitris

Sassoku kakunin shite itadaki, domo arigatou gozaimazu (thanks very much for your prompt confirmation).

Boku no pasokon no settei wa okashi kamo shiremasen, ne (well, obviously something is wrong with my desktop settings).

Kore kara mo ganbaru zo (I will try hard to fix that).

Mata taifu ga okinawa ni chikazuite imasu (again, a typhoon is approaching Okinawa).

Yoroshiku (cheers)

PS: you wrote you needed more Japanese words :sign0151: