Combobox different behavior Device/Desktop


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When I compile for a device, the combobox is not editable,
when I compile for Windows Desktop it´s editable.

I want to switch editable = false for Windows Desktop Version
and if possible on a device editable = true. Possible ?


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Longtime User
Hi kohle,

Behaviour differences of the ComboBox control
On the desktop:
- the Text field is editable
- ComboBox1.Text can be used to read AND change the text in text field
- ComboBox.Clear clears only the entries but NOT the text field

On the PPC:
- the Text field is NOT editable
- ComboBox1.Text is read only
- ComboBox1.Text="Something" doesn't work
- ComboBox1.Add(ComboBox1.Text) works
- ComboBox.Clear clears both, the entries PLUS the text field

Attached a small sample program to play with the ComboBox behaviour.

Best regards.


  • TestComboBox.sbp
    1.6 KB · Views: 230