Comming Soon: AS Swipe Card - a tinder like swipeable card view for B4A, B4I and B4J

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
only a few tests and i can release this great B4X view. :)
Sneak Preview:

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
It takes longer than expected, the event handling of views in B4I and B4J is strange.

For the background:
I have a transparent panel on the root panel on this panel are the cards, so that you can see the card even if you are out of the range of the custom view.
The transparent panel has no events, but it still covers the events of the 2 buttons below (previous and next).

On B4A it works perfect, but on B4J and B4I not.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
The problem of "setMouseTransparent" is that the child views are also affected by this, a workaround would be "setPickOnBounds" but that had no effect.

The same by "UsetInteractionEnabled = false" the child views are also affected by this, this is the reason why i did this thread.