?The JSON contains "_" key which cannot be parsed by B4X JSON library.
I think it is not a valid json string.a valid json string
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim _A As String = jRoot.Get("_A")
Dim _B As String = jRoot.Get("_B")
Dim Invoice As List = jRoot.Get("Invoice")
For Each colInvoice As Map In Invoice
Dim TaxTotal As List = colInvoice.Get("TaxTotal")
For Each colTaxTotal As Map In TaxTotal
Dim TaxSubtotal As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxSubtotal")
For Each colTaxSubtotal As Map In TaxSubtotal
Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxAmount")
For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_")
Dim TaxableAmount As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxableAmount")
For Each colTaxableAmount As Map In TaxableAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxableAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colTaxableAmount.Get("_")
Dim TaxCategory As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxCategory")
For Each colTaxCategory As Map In TaxCategory
Dim Percent As List = colTaxCategory.Get("Percent")
For Each colPercent As Map In Percent
Dim _ As Int = colPercent.Get("_")
Dim TaxScheme As List = colTaxCategory.Get("TaxScheme")
For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme
Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colTaxCategory.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxAmount")
For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_")
Dim AccountingCost As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingCost")
For Each colAccountingCost As Map In AccountingCost
Dim _ As String = colAccountingCost.Get("_")
Dim InvoiceLine As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoiceLine")
For Each colInvoiceLine As Map In InvoiceLine
Dim TaxTotal As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("TaxTotal")
For Each colTaxTotal As Map In TaxTotal
Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxAmount")
For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_")
Dim Item As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Item")
For Each colItem As Map In Item
Dim Description As List = colItem.Get("Description")
For Each colDescription As Map In Description
Dim languageID As String = colDescription.Get("languageID")
Dim _ As String = colDescription.Get("_")
Dim CommodityClassification As List = colItem.Get("CommodityClassification")
For Each colCommodityClassification As Map In CommodityClassification
Dim ItemClassificationCode As List = colCommodityClassification.Get("ItemClassificationCode")
For Each colItemClassificationCode As Map In ItemClassificationCode
Dim listID As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("listID")
Dim listAgencyID As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("listAgencyID")
Dim _ As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("_")
Dim ClassifiedTaxCategory As List = colItem.Get("ClassifiedTaxCategory")
For Each colClassifiedTaxCategory As Map In ClassifiedTaxCategory
Dim Percent As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("Percent")
For Each colPercent As Map In Percent
Dim _ As Int = colPercent.Get("_")
Dim TaxScheme As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("TaxScheme")
For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme
Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim SellersItemIdentification As List = colItem.Get("SellersItemIdentification")
For Each colSellersItemIdentification As Map In SellersItemIdentification
Dim ID As List = colSellersItemIdentification.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim AdditionalItemProperty As List = colItem.Get("AdditionalItemProperty")
For Each colAdditionalItemProperty As Map In AdditionalItemProperty
Dim Value As List = colAdditionalItemProperty.Get("Value")
For Each colValue As Map In Value
Dim _ As String = colValue.Get("_")
Dim Name As List = colAdditionalItemProperty.Get("Name")
For Each colName As Map In Name
Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_")
Dim StandardItemIdentification As List = colItem.Get("StandardItemIdentification")
For Each colStandardItemIdentification As Map In StandardItemIdentification
Dim ID As List = colStandardItemIdentification.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim Name As List = colItem.Get("Name")
For Each colName As Map In Name
Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_")
Dim InvoicedQuantity As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("InvoicedQuantity")
For Each colInvoicedQuantity As Map In InvoicedQuantity
Dim unitCode As String = colInvoicedQuantity.Get("unitCode")
Dim _ As Int = colInvoicedQuantity.Get("_")
Dim LineExtensionAmount As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("LineExtensionAmount")
For Each colLineExtensionAmount As Map In LineExtensionAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("_")
Dim AccountingCost As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("AccountingCost")
For Each colAccountingCost As Map In AccountingCost
Dim _ As String = colAccountingCost.Get("_")
Dim Price As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Price")
For Each colPrice As Map In Price
Dim PriceAmount As List = colPrice.Get("PriceAmount")
For Each colPriceAmount As Map In PriceAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colPriceAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colPriceAmount.Get("_")
Dim BaseQuantity As List = colPrice.Get("BaseQuantity")
For Each colBaseQuantity As Map In BaseQuantity
Dim unitCode As String = colBaseQuantity.Get("unitCode")
Dim _ As Int = colBaseQuantity.Get("_")
Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colPrice.Get("AllowanceCharge")
For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge
Dim BaseAmount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("BaseAmount")
For Each colBaseAmount As Map In BaseAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colBaseAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colBaseAmount.Get("_")
Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason")
For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason
Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_")
Dim MultiplierFactorNumeric As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("MultiplierFactorNumeric")
For Each colMultiplierFactorNumeric As Map In MultiplierFactorNumeric
Dim _ As Double = colMultiplierFactorNumeric.Get("_")
Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount")
For Each colAmount As Map In Amount
Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_")
Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator")
For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator
Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_")
Dim Note As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Note")
For Each colNote As Map In Note
Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_")
Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("AllowanceCharge")
For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge
Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason")
For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason
Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_")
Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount")
For Each colAmount As Map In Amount
Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_")
Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator")
For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator
Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim OrderLineReference As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("OrderLineReference")
For Each colOrderLineReference As Map In OrderLineReference
Dim LineID As List = colOrderLineReference.Get("LineID")
For Each colLineID As Map In LineID
Dim _ As String = colLineID.Get("_")
Dim UBLVersionID As List = colInvoice.Get("UBLVersionID")
For Each colUBLVersionID As Map In UBLVersionID
Dim _ As String = colUBLVersionID.Get("_")
Dim DocumentCurrencyCode As List = colInvoice.Get("DocumentCurrencyCode")
For Each colDocumentCurrencyCode As Map In DocumentCurrencyCode
Dim listID As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("listID")
Dim listAgencyID As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("listAgencyID")
Dim _ As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("_")
Dim ContractDocumentReference As List = colInvoice.Get("ContractDocumentReference")
For Each colContractDocumentReference As Map In ContractDocumentReference
Dim DocumentType As List = colContractDocumentReference.Get("DocumentType")
For Each colDocumentType As Map In DocumentType
Dim _ As String = colDocumentType.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colContractDocumentReference.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colInvoice.Get("AllowanceCharge")
For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge
Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason")
For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason
Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_")
Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount")
For Each colAmount As Map In Amount
Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_")
Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator")
For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator
Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_")
Dim IssueDate As List = colInvoice.Get("IssueDate")
For Each colIssueDate As Map In IssueDate
Dim _ As String = colIssueDate.Get("_")
Dim PaymentTerms As List = colInvoice.Get("PaymentTerms")
For Each colPaymentTerms As Map In PaymentTerms
Dim Note As List = colPaymentTerms.Get("Note")
For Each colNote As Map In Note
Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_")
Dim AccountingSupplierParty As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingSupplierParty")
For Each colAccountingSupplierParty As Map In AccountingSupplierParty
Dim Party As List = colAccountingSupplierParty.Get("Party")
For Each colParty As Map In Party
Dim PostalAddress As List = colParty.Get("PostalAddress")
For Each colPostalAddress As Map In PostalAddress
Dim StreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("StreetName")
For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName
Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_")
Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName")
For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName
Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_")
Dim Department As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Department")
For Each colDepartment As Map In Department
Dim _ As String = colDepartment.Get("_")
Dim BuildingNumber As List = colPostalAddress.Get("BuildingNumber")
For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber
Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_")
Dim CountrySubentityCode As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CountrySubentityCode")
For Each colCountrySubentityCode As Map In CountrySubentityCode
Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentityCode.Get("_")
Dim Country As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Country")
For Each colCountry As Map In Country
Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode")
For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode
Dim listID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listID")
Dim listAgencyID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listAgencyID")
Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colPostalAddress.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim CityName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CityName")
For Each colCityName As Map In CityName
Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_")
Dim PostalZone As List = colPostalAddress.Get("PostalZone")
For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone
Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_")
Dim Postbox As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Postbox")
For Each colPostbox As Map In Postbox
Dim _ As String = colPostbox.Get("_")
Dim PartyTaxScheme As List = colParty.Get("PartyTaxScheme")
For Each colPartyTaxScheme As Map In PartyTaxScheme
Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("CompanyID")
For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_")
Dim TaxScheme As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("TaxScheme")
For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme
Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim EndpointID As List = colParty.Get("EndpointID")
For Each colEndpointID As Map In EndpointID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colEndpointID.Get("_")
Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity")
For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity
Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID")
For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_")
Dim RegistrationName As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationName")
For Each colRegistrationName As Map In RegistrationName
Dim _ As String = colRegistrationName.Get("_")
Dim RegistrationAddress As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationAddress")
For Each colRegistrationAddress As Map In RegistrationAddress
Dim Country As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("Country")
For Each colCountry As Map In Country
Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode")
For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode
Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_")
Dim CityName As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CityName")
For Each colCityName As Map In CityName
Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_")
Dim CountrySubentity As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CountrySubentity")
For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity
Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_")
Dim PartyName As List = colParty.Get("PartyName")
For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName
Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name")
For Each colName As Map In Name
Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_")
Dim Person As List = colParty.Get("Person")
For Each colPerson As Map In Person
Dim FamilyName As List = colPerson.Get("FamilyName")
For Each colFamilyName As Map In FamilyName
Dim _ As String = colFamilyName.Get("_")
Dim FirstName As List = colPerson.Get("FirstName")
For Each colFirstName As Map In FirstName
Dim _ As String = colFirstName.Get("_")
Dim MiddleName As List = colPerson.Get("MiddleName")
For Each colMiddleName As Map In MiddleName
Dim _ As String = colMiddleName.Get("_")
Dim JobTitle As List = colPerson.Get("JobTitle")
For Each colJobTitle As Map In JobTitle
Dim _ As String = colJobTitle.Get("_")
Dim PartyIdentification As List = colParty.Get("PartyIdentification")
For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification
Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim Contact As List = colParty.Get("Contact")
For Each colContact As Map In Contact
Dim Telephone As List = colContact.Get("Telephone")
For Each colTelephone As Map In Telephone
Dim _ As String = colTelephone.Get("_")
Dim Telefax As List = colContact.Get("Telefax")
For Each colTelefax As Map In Telefax
Dim _ As String = colTelefax.Get("_")
Dim ElectronicMail As List = colContact.Get("ElectronicMail")
For Each colElectronicMail As Map In ElectronicMail
Dim _ As String = colElectronicMail.Get("_")
Dim AccountingCustomerParty As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingCustomerParty")
For Each colAccountingCustomerParty As Map In AccountingCustomerParty
Dim Party As List = colAccountingCustomerParty.Get("Party")
For Each colParty As Map In Party
Dim PostalAddress As List = colParty.Get("PostalAddress")
For Each colPostalAddress As Map In PostalAddress
Dim StreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("StreetName")
For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName
Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_")
Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName")
For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName
Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_")
Dim Department As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Department")
For Each colDepartment As Map In Department
Dim _ As String = colDepartment.Get("_")
Dim BuildingNumber As List = colPostalAddress.Get("BuildingNumber")
For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber
Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_")
Dim Country As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Country")
For Each colCountry As Map In Country
Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode")
For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode
Dim listID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listID")
Dim listAgencyID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listAgencyID")
Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colPostalAddress.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim CityName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CityName")
For Each colCityName As Map In CityName
Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_")
Dim PostalZone As List = colPostalAddress.Get("PostalZone")
For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone
Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_")
Dim Postbox As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Postbox")
For Each colPostbox As Map In Postbox
Dim _ As String = colPostbox.Get("_")
Dim CountrySubentity As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CountrySubentity")
For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity
Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_")
Dim PartyTaxScheme As List = colParty.Get("PartyTaxScheme")
For Each colPartyTaxScheme As Map In PartyTaxScheme
Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("CompanyID")
For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_")
Dim TaxScheme As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("TaxScheme")
For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme
Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim EndpointID As List = colParty.Get("EndpointID")
For Each colEndpointID As Map In EndpointID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colEndpointID.Get("_")
Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity")
For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity
Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID")
For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_")
Dim RegistrationName As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationName")
For Each colRegistrationName As Map In RegistrationName
Dim _ As String = colRegistrationName.Get("_")
Dim RegistrationAddress As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationAddress")
For Each colRegistrationAddress As Map In RegistrationAddress
Dim Country As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("Country")
For Each colCountry As Map In Country
Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode")
For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode
Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_")
Dim CityName As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CityName")
For Each colCityName As Map In CityName
Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_")
Dim CountrySubentity As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CountrySubentity")
For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity
Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_")
Dim PartyName As List = colParty.Get("PartyName")
For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName
Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name")
For Each colName As Map In Name
Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_")
Dim Person As List = colParty.Get("Person")
For Each colPerson As Map In Person
Dim FamilyName As List = colPerson.Get("FamilyName")
For Each colFamilyName As Map In FamilyName
Dim _ As String = colFamilyName.Get("_")
Dim FirstName As List = colPerson.Get("FirstName")
For Each colFirstName As Map In FirstName
Dim _ As String = colFirstName.Get("_")
Dim MiddleName As List = colPerson.Get("MiddleName")
For Each colMiddleName As Map In MiddleName
Dim _ As String = colMiddleName.Get("_")
Dim JobTitle As List = colPerson.Get("JobTitle")
For Each colJobTitle As Map In JobTitle
Dim _ As String = colJobTitle.Get("_")
Dim PartyIdentification As List = colParty.Get("PartyIdentification")
For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification
Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim Contact As List = colParty.Get("Contact")
For Each colContact As Map In Contact
Dim Telephone As List = colContact.Get("Telephone")
For Each colTelephone As Map In Telephone
Dim _ As String = colTelephone.Get("_")
Dim Telefax As List = colContact.Get("Telefax")
For Each colTelefax As Map In Telefax
Dim _ As String = colTelefax.Get("_")
Dim ElectronicMail As List = colContact.Get("ElectronicMail")
For Each colElectronicMail As Map In ElectronicMail
Dim _ As String = colElectronicMail.Get("_")
Dim PayeeParty As List = colInvoice.Get("PayeeParty")
For Each colPayeeParty As Map In PayeeParty
Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity")
For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity
Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID")
For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_")
Dim PartyName As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyName")
For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName
Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name")
For Each colName As Map In Name
Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_")
Dim PartyIdentification As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyIdentification")
For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification
Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim PaymentMeans As List = colInvoice.Get("PaymentMeans")
For Each colPaymentMeans As Map In PaymentMeans
Dim PayeeFinancialAccount As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PayeeFinancialAccount")
For Each colPayeeFinancialAccount As Map In PayeeFinancialAccount
Dim FinancialInstitutionBranch As List = colPayeeFinancialAccount.Get("FinancialInstitutionBranch")
For Each colFinancialInstitutionBranch As Map In FinancialInstitutionBranch
Dim FinancialInstitution As List = colFinancialInstitutionBranch.Get("FinancialInstitution")
For Each colFinancialInstitution As Map In FinancialInstitution
Dim ID As List = colFinancialInstitution.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colPayeeFinancialAccount.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim PaymentID As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentID")
For Each colPaymentID As Map In PaymentID
Dim _ As String = colPaymentID.Get("_")
Dim PaymentChannelCode As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentChannelCode")
For Each colPaymentChannelCode As Map In PaymentChannelCode
Dim _ As String = colPaymentChannelCode.Get("_")
Dim PaymentMeansCode As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentMeansCode")
For Each colPaymentMeansCode As Map In PaymentMeansCode
Dim listID As String = colPaymentMeansCode.Get("listID")
Dim _ As String = colPaymentMeansCode.Get("_")
Dim PaymentDueDate As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentDueDate")
For Each colPaymentDueDate As Map In PaymentDueDate
Dim _ As String = colPaymentDueDate.Get("_")
Dim LegalMonetaryTotal As List = colInvoice.Get("LegalMonetaryTotal")
For Each colLegalMonetaryTotal As Map In LegalMonetaryTotal
Dim TaxInclusiveAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("TaxInclusiveAmount")
For Each colTaxInclusiveAmount As Map In TaxInclusiveAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxInclusiveAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colTaxInclusiveAmount.Get("_")
Dim LineExtensionAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("LineExtensionAmount")
For Each colLineExtensionAmount As Map In LineExtensionAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("_")
Dim AllowanceTotalAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("AllowanceTotalAmount")
For Each colAllowanceTotalAmount As Map In AllowanceTotalAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colAllowanceTotalAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colAllowanceTotalAmount.Get("_")
Dim PrepaidAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PrepaidAmount")
For Each colPrepaidAmount As Map In PrepaidAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colPrepaidAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colPrepaidAmount.Get("_")
Dim ChargeTotalAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("ChargeTotalAmount")
For Each colChargeTotalAmount As Map In ChargeTotalAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colChargeTotalAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colChargeTotalAmount.Get("_")
Dim TaxExclusiveAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("TaxExclusiveAmount")
For Each colTaxExclusiveAmount As Map In TaxExclusiveAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colTaxExclusiveAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colTaxExclusiveAmount.Get("_")
Dim PayableRoundingAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PayableRoundingAmount")
For Each colPayableRoundingAmount As Map In PayableRoundingAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colPayableRoundingAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Double = colPayableRoundingAmount.Get("_")
Dim PayableAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PayableAmount")
For Each colPayableAmount As Map In PayableAmount
Dim currencyID As String = colPayableAmount.Get("currencyID")
Dim _ As Int = colPayableAmount.Get("_")
Dim InvoiceTypeCode As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoiceTypeCode")
For Each colInvoiceTypeCode As Map In InvoiceTypeCode
Dim listID As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("listID")
Dim listAgencyID As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("listAgencyID")
Dim _ As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("_")
Dim Note As List = colInvoice.Get("Note")
For Each colNote As Map In Note
Dim languageID As String = colNote.Get("languageID")
Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_")
Dim OrderReference As List = colInvoice.Get("OrderReference")
For Each colOrderReference As Map In OrderReference
Dim ID As List = colOrderReference.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim TaxPointDate As List = colInvoice.Get("TaxPointDate")
For Each colTaxPointDate As Map In TaxPointDate
Dim _ As String = colTaxPointDate.Get("_")
Dim InvoicePeriod As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoicePeriod")
For Each colInvoicePeriod As Map In InvoicePeriod
Dim StartDate As List = colInvoicePeriod.Get("StartDate")
For Each colStartDate As Map In StartDate
Dim _ As String = colStartDate.Get("_")
Dim EndDate As List = colInvoicePeriod.Get("EndDate")
For Each colEndDate As Map In EndDate
Dim _ As String = colEndDate.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colInvoice.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim Delivery As List = colInvoice.Get("Delivery")
For Each colDelivery As Map In Delivery
Dim ActualDeliveryDate As List = colDelivery.Get("ActualDeliveryDate")
For Each colActualDeliveryDate As Map In ActualDeliveryDate
Dim _ As String = colActualDeliveryDate.Get("_")
Dim DeliveryLocation As List = colDelivery.Get("DeliveryLocation")
For Each colDeliveryLocation As Map In DeliveryLocation
Dim Address As List = colDeliveryLocation.Get("Address")
For Each colAddress As Map In Address
Dim StreetName As List = colAddress.Get("StreetName")
For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName
Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_")
Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName")
For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName
Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_")
Dim BuildingNumber As List = colAddress.Get("BuildingNumber")
For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber
Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_")
Dim Country As List = colAddress.Get("Country")
For Each colCountry As Map In Country
Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode")
For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode
Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_")
Dim CityName As List = colAddress.Get("CityName")
For Each colCityName As Map In CityName
Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_")
Dim PostalZone As List = colAddress.Get("PostalZone")
For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone
Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_")
Dim CountrySubentity As List = colAddress.Get("CountrySubentity")
For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity
Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colDeliveryLocation.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID")
Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID")
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim AdditionalDocumentReference As List = colInvoice.Get("AdditionalDocumentReference")
For Each colAdditionalDocumentReference As Map In AdditionalDocumentReference
Dim DocumentType As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("DocumentType")
For Each colDocumentType As Map In DocumentType
Dim _ As String = colDocumentType.Get("_")
Dim Attachment As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("Attachment")
For Each colAttachment As Map In Attachment
Dim ExternalReference As List = colAttachment.Get("ExternalReference")
For Each colExternalReference As Map In ExternalReference
Dim URI As List = colExternalReference.Get("URI")
For Each colURI As Map In URI
Dim _ As String = colURI.Get("_")
Dim ID As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("ID")
For Each colID As Map In ID
Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_")
Dim _D As String = jRoot.Get("_D")
Yes, I need to replace the variablesThe json can be parsed by JSON Library
You´ll need to adapt the code to not use any varnames with _ as name though.
B4X:Dim parser As JSONParser parser.Initialize(<text>) Dim jRoot As Map = parser.NextObject Dim _A As String = jRoot.Get("_A") Dim _B As String = jRoot.Get("_B") Dim Invoice As List = jRoot.Get("Invoice") For Each colInvoice As Map In Invoice Dim TaxTotal As List = colInvoice.Get("TaxTotal") For Each colTaxTotal As Map In TaxTotal Dim TaxSubtotal As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxSubtotal") For Each colTaxSubtotal As Map In TaxSubtotal Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxAmount") For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_") Next Dim TaxableAmount As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxableAmount") For Each colTaxableAmount As Map In TaxableAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxableAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colTaxableAmount.Get("_") Next Dim TaxCategory As List = colTaxSubtotal.Get("TaxCategory") For Each colTaxCategory As Map In TaxCategory Dim Percent As List = colTaxCategory.Get("Percent") For Each colPercent As Map In Percent Dim _ As Int = colPercent.Get("_") Next Dim TaxScheme As List = colTaxCategory.Get("TaxScheme") For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colTaxCategory.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxAmount") For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_") Next Next Dim AccountingCost As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingCost") For Each colAccountingCost As Map In AccountingCost Dim _ As String = colAccountingCost.Get("_") Next Dim InvoiceLine As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoiceLine") For Each colInvoiceLine As Map In InvoiceLine Dim TaxTotal As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("TaxTotal") For Each colTaxTotal As Map In TaxTotal Dim TaxAmount As List = colTaxTotal.Get("TaxAmount") For Each colTaxAmount As Map In TaxAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colTaxAmount.Get("_") Next Next Dim Item As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Item") For Each colItem As Map In Item Dim Description As List = colItem.Get("Description") For Each colDescription As Map In Description Dim languageID As String = colDescription.Get("languageID") Dim _ As String = colDescription.Get("_") Next Dim CommodityClassification As List = colItem.Get("CommodityClassification") For Each colCommodityClassification As Map In CommodityClassification Dim ItemClassificationCode As List = colCommodityClassification.Get("ItemClassificationCode") For Each colItemClassificationCode As Map In ItemClassificationCode Dim listID As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("listID") Dim listAgencyID As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("listAgencyID") Dim _ As String = colItemClassificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim ClassifiedTaxCategory As List = colItem.Get("ClassifiedTaxCategory") For Each colClassifiedTaxCategory As Map In ClassifiedTaxCategory Dim Percent As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("Percent") For Each colPercent As Map In Percent Dim _ As Int = colPercent.Get("_") Next Dim TaxScheme As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("TaxScheme") For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colClassifiedTaxCategory.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim SellersItemIdentification As List = colItem.Get("SellersItemIdentification") For Each colSellersItemIdentification As Map In SellersItemIdentification Dim ID As List = colSellersItemIdentification.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim AdditionalItemProperty As List = colItem.Get("AdditionalItemProperty") For Each colAdditionalItemProperty As Map In AdditionalItemProperty Dim Value As List = colAdditionalItemProperty.Get("Value") For Each colValue As Map In Value Dim _ As String = colValue.Get("_") Next Dim Name As List = colAdditionalItemProperty.Get("Name") For Each colName As Map In Name Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_") Next Next Dim StandardItemIdentification As List = colItem.Get("StandardItemIdentification") For Each colStandardItemIdentification As Map In StandardItemIdentification Dim ID As List = colStandardItemIdentification.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim Name As List = colItem.Get("Name") For Each colName As Map In Name Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_") Next Next Dim InvoicedQuantity As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("InvoicedQuantity") For Each colInvoicedQuantity As Map In InvoicedQuantity Dim unitCode As String = colInvoicedQuantity.Get("unitCode") Dim _ As Int = colInvoicedQuantity.Get("_") Next Dim LineExtensionAmount As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("LineExtensionAmount") For Each colLineExtensionAmount As Map In LineExtensionAmount Dim currencyID As String = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("_") Next Dim AccountingCost As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("AccountingCost") For Each colAccountingCost As Map In AccountingCost Dim _ As String = colAccountingCost.Get("_") Next Dim Price As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Price") For Each colPrice As Map In Price Dim PriceAmount As List = colPrice.Get("PriceAmount") For Each colPriceAmount As Map In PriceAmount Dim currencyID As String = colPriceAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colPriceAmount.Get("_") Next Dim BaseQuantity As List = colPrice.Get("BaseQuantity") For Each colBaseQuantity As Map In BaseQuantity Dim unitCode As String = colBaseQuantity.Get("unitCode") Dim _ As Int = colBaseQuantity.Get("_") Next Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colPrice.Get("AllowanceCharge") For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge Dim BaseAmount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("BaseAmount") For Each colBaseAmount As Map In BaseAmount Dim currencyID As String = colBaseAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colBaseAmount.Get("_") Next Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason") For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_") Next Dim MultiplierFactorNumeric As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("MultiplierFactorNumeric") For Each colMultiplierFactorNumeric As Map In MultiplierFactorNumeric Dim _ As Double = colMultiplierFactorNumeric.Get("_") Next Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount") For Each colAmount As Map In Amount Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_") Next Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator") For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim Note As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("Note") For Each colNote As Map In Note Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_") Next Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("AllowanceCharge") For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason") For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_") Next Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount") For Each colAmount As Map In Amount Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_") Next Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator") For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Dim OrderLineReference As List = colInvoiceLine.Get("OrderLineReference") For Each colOrderLineReference As Map In OrderLineReference Dim LineID As List = colOrderLineReference.Get("LineID") For Each colLineID As Map In LineID Dim _ As String = colLineID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim UBLVersionID As List = colInvoice.Get("UBLVersionID") For Each colUBLVersionID As Map In UBLVersionID Dim _ As String = colUBLVersionID.Get("_") Next Dim DocumentCurrencyCode As List = colInvoice.Get("DocumentCurrencyCode") For Each colDocumentCurrencyCode As Map In DocumentCurrencyCode Dim listID As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("listID") Dim listAgencyID As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("listAgencyID") Dim _ As String = colDocumentCurrencyCode.Get("_") Next Dim ContractDocumentReference As List = colInvoice.Get("ContractDocumentReference") For Each colContractDocumentReference As Map In ContractDocumentReference Dim DocumentType As List = colContractDocumentReference.Get("DocumentType") For Each colDocumentType As Map In DocumentType Dim _ As String = colDocumentType.Get("_") Next Dim ID As List = colContractDocumentReference.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim AllowanceCharge As List = colInvoice.Get("AllowanceCharge") For Each colAllowanceCharge As Map In AllowanceCharge Dim AllowanceChargeReason As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("AllowanceChargeReason") For Each colAllowanceChargeReason As Map In AllowanceChargeReason Dim _ As String = colAllowanceChargeReason.Get("_") Next Dim Amount As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("Amount") For Each colAmount As Map In Amount Dim currencyID As String = colAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colAmount.Get("_") Next Dim ChargeIndicator As List = colAllowanceCharge.Get("ChargeIndicator") For Each colChargeIndicator As Map In ChargeIndicator Dim _ As String = colChargeIndicator.Get("_") Next Next Dim IssueDate As List = colInvoice.Get("IssueDate") For Each colIssueDate As Map In IssueDate Dim _ As String = colIssueDate.Get("_") Next Dim PaymentTerms As List = colInvoice.Get("PaymentTerms") For Each colPaymentTerms As Map In PaymentTerms Dim Note As List = colPaymentTerms.Get("Note") For Each colNote As Map In Note Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_") Next Next Dim AccountingSupplierParty As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingSupplierParty") For Each colAccountingSupplierParty As Map In AccountingSupplierParty Dim Party As List = colAccountingSupplierParty.Get("Party") For Each colParty As Map In Party Dim PostalAddress As List = colParty.Get("PostalAddress") For Each colPostalAddress As Map In PostalAddress Dim StreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("StreetName") For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName") For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim Department As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Department") For Each colDepartment As Map In Department Dim _ As String = colDepartment.Get("_") Next Dim BuildingNumber As List = colPostalAddress.Get("BuildingNumber") For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_") Next Dim CountrySubentityCode As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CountrySubentityCode") For Each colCountrySubentityCode As Map In CountrySubentityCode Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentityCode.Get("_") Next Dim Country As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Country") For Each colCountry As Map In Country Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode") For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode Dim listID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listID") Dim listAgencyID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listAgencyID") Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colPostalAddress.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Dim CityName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CityName") For Each colCityName As Map In CityName Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_") Next Dim PostalZone As List = colPostalAddress.Get("PostalZone") For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_") Next Dim Postbox As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Postbox") For Each colPostbox As Map In Postbox Dim _ As String = colPostbox.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyTaxScheme As List = colParty.Get("PartyTaxScheme") For Each colPartyTaxScheme As Map In PartyTaxScheme Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("CompanyID") For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_") Next Dim TaxScheme As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("TaxScheme") For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim EndpointID As List = colParty.Get("EndpointID") For Each colEndpointID As Map In EndpointID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colEndpointID.Get("_") Next Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity") For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID") For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_") Next Dim RegistrationName As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationName") For Each colRegistrationName As Map In RegistrationName Dim _ As String = colRegistrationName.Get("_") Next Dim RegistrationAddress As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationAddress") For Each colRegistrationAddress As Map In RegistrationAddress Dim Country As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("Country") For Each colCountry As Map In Country Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode") For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim CityName As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CityName") For Each colCityName As Map In CityName Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_") Next Dim CountrySubentity As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CountrySubentity") For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim PartyName As List = colParty.Get("PartyName") For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name") For Each colName As Map In Name Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_") Next Next Dim Person As List = colParty.Get("Person") For Each colPerson As Map In Person Dim FamilyName As List = colPerson.Get("FamilyName") For Each colFamilyName As Map In FamilyName Dim _ As String = colFamilyName.Get("_") Next Dim FirstName As List = colPerson.Get("FirstName") For Each colFirstName As Map In FirstName Dim _ As String = colFirstName.Get("_") Next Dim MiddleName As List = colPerson.Get("MiddleName") For Each colMiddleName As Map In MiddleName Dim _ As String = colMiddleName.Get("_") Next Dim JobTitle As List = colPerson.Get("JobTitle") For Each colJobTitle As Map In JobTitle Dim _ As String = colJobTitle.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyIdentification As List = colParty.Get("PartyIdentification") For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim Contact As List = colParty.Get("Contact") For Each colContact As Map In Contact Dim Telephone As List = colContact.Get("Telephone") For Each colTelephone As Map In Telephone Dim _ As String = colTelephone.Get("_") Next Dim Telefax As List = colContact.Get("Telefax") For Each colTelefax As Map In Telefax Dim _ As String = colTelefax.Get("_") Next Dim ElectronicMail As List = colContact.Get("ElectronicMail") For Each colElectronicMail As Map In ElectronicMail Dim _ As String = colElectronicMail.Get("_") Next Next Next Next Dim AccountingCustomerParty As List = colInvoice.Get("AccountingCustomerParty") For Each colAccountingCustomerParty As Map In AccountingCustomerParty Dim Party As List = colAccountingCustomerParty.Get("Party") For Each colParty As Map In Party Dim PostalAddress As List = colParty.Get("PostalAddress") For Each colPostalAddress As Map In PostalAddress Dim StreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("StreetName") For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName") For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim Department As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Department") For Each colDepartment As Map In Department Dim _ As String = colDepartment.Get("_") Next Dim BuildingNumber As List = colPostalAddress.Get("BuildingNumber") For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_") Next Dim Country As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Country") For Each colCountry As Map In Country Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode") For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode Dim listID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listID") Dim listAgencyID As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("listAgencyID") Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colPostalAddress.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Dim CityName As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CityName") For Each colCityName As Map In CityName Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_") Next Dim PostalZone As List = colPostalAddress.Get("PostalZone") For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_") Next Dim Postbox As List = colPostalAddress.Get("Postbox") For Each colPostbox As Map In Postbox Dim _ As String = colPostbox.Get("_") Next Dim CountrySubentity As List = colPostalAddress.Get("CountrySubentity") For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyTaxScheme As List = colParty.Get("PartyTaxScheme") For Each colPartyTaxScheme As Map In PartyTaxScheme Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("CompanyID") For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_") Next Dim TaxScheme As List = colPartyTaxScheme.Get("TaxScheme") For Each colTaxScheme As Map In TaxScheme Dim ID As List = colTaxScheme.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim EndpointID As List = colParty.Get("EndpointID") For Each colEndpointID As Map In EndpointID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colEndpointID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colEndpointID.Get("_") Next Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity") For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID") For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_") Next Dim RegistrationName As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationName") For Each colRegistrationName As Map In RegistrationName Dim _ As String = colRegistrationName.Get("_") Next Dim RegistrationAddress As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("RegistrationAddress") For Each colRegistrationAddress As Map In RegistrationAddress Dim Country As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("Country") For Each colCountry As Map In Country Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode") For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim CityName As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CityName") For Each colCityName As Map In CityName Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_") Next Dim CountrySubentity As List = colRegistrationAddress.Get("CountrySubentity") For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim PartyName As List = colParty.Get("PartyName") For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name") For Each colName As Map In Name Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_") Next Next Dim Person As List = colParty.Get("Person") For Each colPerson As Map In Person Dim FamilyName As List = colPerson.Get("FamilyName") For Each colFamilyName As Map In FamilyName Dim _ As String = colFamilyName.Get("_") Next Dim FirstName As List = colPerson.Get("FirstName") For Each colFirstName As Map In FirstName Dim _ As String = colFirstName.Get("_") Next Dim MiddleName As List = colPerson.Get("MiddleName") For Each colMiddleName As Map In MiddleName Dim _ As String = colMiddleName.Get("_") Next Dim JobTitle As List = colPerson.Get("JobTitle") For Each colJobTitle As Map In JobTitle Dim _ As String = colJobTitle.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyIdentification As List = colParty.Get("PartyIdentification") For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim Contact As List = colParty.Get("Contact") For Each colContact As Map In Contact Dim Telephone As List = colContact.Get("Telephone") For Each colTelephone As Map In Telephone Dim _ As String = colTelephone.Get("_") Next Dim Telefax As List = colContact.Get("Telefax") For Each colTelefax As Map In Telefax Dim _ As String = colTelefax.Get("_") Next Dim ElectronicMail As List = colContact.Get("ElectronicMail") For Each colElectronicMail As Map In ElectronicMail Dim _ As String = colElectronicMail.Get("_") Next Next Next Next Dim PayeeParty As List = colInvoice.Get("PayeeParty") For Each colPayeeParty As Map In PayeeParty Dim PartyLegalEntity As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyLegalEntity") For Each colPartyLegalEntity As Map In PartyLegalEntity Dim CompanyID As List = colPartyLegalEntity.Get("CompanyID") For Each colCompanyID As Map In CompanyID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colCompanyID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colCompanyID.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyName As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyName") For Each colPartyName As Map In PartyName Dim Name As List = colPartyName.Get("Name") For Each colName As Map In Name Dim _ As String = colName.Get("_") Next Next Dim PartyIdentification As List = colPayeeParty.Get("PartyIdentification") For Each colPartyIdentification As Map In PartyIdentification Dim ID As List = colPartyIdentification.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim PaymentMeans As List = colInvoice.Get("PaymentMeans") For Each colPaymentMeans As Map In PaymentMeans Dim PayeeFinancialAccount As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PayeeFinancialAccount") For Each colPayeeFinancialAccount As Map In PayeeFinancialAccount Dim FinancialInstitutionBranch As List = colPayeeFinancialAccount.Get("FinancialInstitutionBranch") For Each colFinancialInstitutionBranch As Map In FinancialInstitutionBranch Dim FinancialInstitution As List = colFinancialInstitutionBranch.Get("FinancialInstitution") For Each colFinancialInstitution As Map In FinancialInstitution Dim ID As List = colFinancialInstitution.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim ID As List = colPayeeFinancialAccount.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim PaymentID As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentID") For Each colPaymentID As Map In PaymentID Dim _ As String = colPaymentID.Get("_") Next Dim PaymentChannelCode As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentChannelCode") For Each colPaymentChannelCode As Map In PaymentChannelCode Dim _ As String = colPaymentChannelCode.Get("_") Next Dim PaymentMeansCode As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentMeansCode") For Each colPaymentMeansCode As Map In PaymentMeansCode Dim listID As String = colPaymentMeansCode.Get("listID") Dim _ As String = colPaymentMeansCode.Get("_") Next Dim PaymentDueDate As List = colPaymentMeans.Get("PaymentDueDate") For Each colPaymentDueDate As Map In PaymentDueDate Dim _ As String = colPaymentDueDate.Get("_") Next Next Dim LegalMonetaryTotal As List = colInvoice.Get("LegalMonetaryTotal") For Each colLegalMonetaryTotal As Map In LegalMonetaryTotal Dim TaxInclusiveAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("TaxInclusiveAmount") For Each colTaxInclusiveAmount As Map In TaxInclusiveAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxInclusiveAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colTaxInclusiveAmount.Get("_") Next Dim LineExtensionAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("LineExtensionAmount") For Each colLineExtensionAmount As Map In LineExtensionAmount Dim currencyID As String = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colLineExtensionAmount.Get("_") Next Dim AllowanceTotalAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("AllowanceTotalAmount") For Each colAllowanceTotalAmount As Map In AllowanceTotalAmount Dim currencyID As String = colAllowanceTotalAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colAllowanceTotalAmount.Get("_") Next Dim PrepaidAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PrepaidAmount") For Each colPrepaidAmount As Map In PrepaidAmount Dim currencyID As String = colPrepaidAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colPrepaidAmount.Get("_") Next Dim ChargeTotalAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("ChargeTotalAmount") For Each colChargeTotalAmount As Map In ChargeTotalAmount Dim currencyID As String = colChargeTotalAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colChargeTotalAmount.Get("_") Next Dim TaxExclusiveAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("TaxExclusiveAmount") For Each colTaxExclusiveAmount As Map In TaxExclusiveAmount Dim currencyID As String = colTaxExclusiveAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colTaxExclusiveAmount.Get("_") Next Dim PayableRoundingAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PayableRoundingAmount") For Each colPayableRoundingAmount As Map In PayableRoundingAmount Dim currencyID As String = colPayableRoundingAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Double = colPayableRoundingAmount.Get("_") Next Dim PayableAmount As List = colLegalMonetaryTotal.Get("PayableAmount") For Each colPayableAmount As Map In PayableAmount Dim currencyID As String = colPayableAmount.Get("currencyID") Dim _ As Int = colPayableAmount.Get("_") Next Next Dim InvoiceTypeCode As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoiceTypeCode") For Each colInvoiceTypeCode As Map In InvoiceTypeCode Dim listID As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("listID") Dim listAgencyID As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("listAgencyID") Dim _ As String = colInvoiceTypeCode.Get("_") Next Dim Note As List = colInvoice.Get("Note") For Each colNote As Map In Note Dim languageID As String = colNote.Get("languageID") Dim _ As String = colNote.Get("_") Next Dim OrderReference As List = colInvoice.Get("OrderReference") For Each colOrderReference As Map In OrderReference Dim ID As List = colOrderReference.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Dim TaxPointDate As List = colInvoice.Get("TaxPointDate") For Each colTaxPointDate As Map In TaxPointDate Dim _ As String = colTaxPointDate.Get("_") Next Dim InvoicePeriod As List = colInvoice.Get("InvoicePeriod") For Each colInvoicePeriod As Map In InvoicePeriod Dim StartDate As List = colInvoicePeriod.Get("StartDate") For Each colStartDate As Map In StartDate Dim _ As String = colStartDate.Get("_") Next Dim EndDate As List = colInvoicePeriod.Get("EndDate") For Each colEndDate As Map In EndDate Dim _ As String = colEndDate.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colInvoice.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Dim Delivery As List = colInvoice.Get("Delivery") For Each colDelivery As Map In Delivery Dim ActualDeliveryDate As List = colDelivery.Get("ActualDeliveryDate") For Each colActualDeliveryDate As Map In ActualDeliveryDate Dim _ As String = colActualDeliveryDate.Get("_") Next Dim DeliveryLocation As List = colDelivery.Get("DeliveryLocation") For Each colDeliveryLocation As Map In DeliveryLocation Dim Address As List = colDeliveryLocation.Get("Address") For Each colAddress As Map In Address Dim StreetName As List = colAddress.Get("StreetName") For Each colStreetName As Map In StreetName Dim _ As String = colStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim AdditionalStreetName As List = colAddress.Get("AdditionalStreetName") For Each colAdditionalStreetName As Map In AdditionalStreetName Dim _ As String = colAdditionalStreetName.Get("_") Next Dim BuildingNumber As List = colAddress.Get("BuildingNumber") For Each colBuildingNumber As Map In BuildingNumber Dim _ As String = colBuildingNumber.Get("_") Next Dim Country As List = colAddress.Get("Country") For Each colCountry As Map In Country Dim IdentificationCode As List = colCountry.Get("IdentificationCode") For Each colIdentificationCode As Map In IdentificationCode Dim _ As String = colIdentificationCode.Get("_") Next Next Dim CityName As List = colAddress.Get("CityName") For Each colCityName As Map In CityName Dim _ As String = colCityName.Get("_") Next Dim PostalZone As List = colAddress.Get("PostalZone") For Each colPostalZone As Map In PostalZone Dim _ As String = colPostalZone.Get("_") Next Dim CountrySubentity As List = colAddress.Get("CountrySubentity") For Each colCountrySubentity As Map In CountrySubentity Dim _ As String = colCountrySubentity.Get("_") Next Next Dim ID As List = colDeliveryLocation.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim schemeAgencyID As String = colID.Get("schemeAgencyID") Dim schemeID As String = colID.Get("schemeID") Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim AdditionalDocumentReference As List = colInvoice.Get("AdditionalDocumentReference") For Each colAdditionalDocumentReference As Map In AdditionalDocumentReference Dim DocumentType As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("DocumentType") For Each colDocumentType As Map In DocumentType Dim _ As String = colDocumentType.Get("_") Next Dim Attachment As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("Attachment") For Each colAttachment As Map In Attachment Dim ExternalReference As List = colAttachment.Get("ExternalReference") For Each colExternalReference As Map In ExternalReference Dim URI As List = colExternalReference.Get("URI") For Each colURI As Map In URI Dim _ As String = colURI.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim ID As List = colAdditionalDocumentReference.Get("ID") For Each colID As Map In ID Dim _ As String = colID.Get("_") Next Next Next Dim _D As String = jRoot.Get("_D")
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
End Sub
Private Sub Download
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Dim minimized As String = j.GetString.As(JSON).ToMap.As(JSON).ToCompactString
End If
End Sub
Dim minimized As String = j.GetString.As(JSON).ToMap.As(JSON).ToCompactString
Ya. This is the issue.Map items aren't expected to be in any specific order.
'Create a List with single item
Public Sub CreateList (Item As Map) As List
Dim List1 As List
Return List1
End Sub
Dim colInvoice As Map ' B4XOrderedMap
colInvoice.Put("ID", CreateList( _
CreateMap("_": "JSON-INV12345")))
Public Sub GenerateInvoiceAsJSON (Compact As String) As String
Dim colInvoice As Map ' B4XOrderedMap
colInvoice.Put("ID", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "JSON-INV12345")))
colInvoice.Put("IssueDate", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "2024-07-23")))
colInvoice.Put("IssueTime", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "00:30:00Z")))
colInvoice.Put("InvoiceTypeCode", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "01", "listVersionID": "1.0")))
colInvoice.Put("DocumentCurrencyCode", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "MYR")))
colInvoice.Put("TaxCurrencyCode", CreateList(CreateMap("_": "MYR")))
colInvoice.Put("InvoicePeriod", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"StartDate": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "2024-01-01")), _
"EndDate": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "2024-07-31")), _
"Description": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Monthly")))))
colInvoice.Put("BillingReference", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"AdditionalDocumentReference": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "E12345678912")))))))
colInvoice.Put("AdditionalDocumentReference", CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "E12345678912")), _
"DocumentType": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "CustomsImportForm"))), _
CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "sa313321312")), _
"DocumentType": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "213312dddddd")), _
"DocumentDescription": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "asddasdwqfd ddq"))), _
CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "E12345678912")), _
"DocumentType": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "K2"))), _
CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "CIF"))))))
colInvoice.Put("AccountingSupplierParty", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"AdditionalAccountID": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "CPT-CCN-W-211111-KL-000002", _
"schemeAgencyName": "CertEX")), _
"Party": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"IndustryClassificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "46510", _
"name": "Wholesale of computer hardware, software and peripherals")), _
"PartyIdentification": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Supplier's TIN", "schemeID": "TIN"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Supplier's BRN", "schemeID": "BRN"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "NA", "schemeID": "SST"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "NA", "schemeID": "TTX"))))), _
"PostalAddress": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"CityName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Kuala Lumpur")), _
"PostalZone": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "50480")), _
"CountrySubentityCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "10")), _
"AddressLine": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Lot 66"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Bangunan Merdeka"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Persiaran Jaya"))))), _
"Country": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"IdentificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "MYS", _
"listID": "ISO3166-1", _
"listAgencyID": "6")))))), _
"PartyLegalEntity": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"RegistrationName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Supplier's Name")))), _
"Contact": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"Telephone": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "+60-123456789")), _
"ElectronicMail": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "[email protected]")))))))))
colInvoice.Put("AccountingCustomerParty", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"Party": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"PostalAddress": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"CityName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Kuala Lumpur")), _
"PostalZone": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "50480")), _
"CountrySubentityCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "10")), _
"AddressLine": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Lot 66"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Bangunan Merdeka"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Persiaran Jaya"))))), _
"Country": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"IdentificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "MYS", _
"listID": "ISO3166-1", _
"listAgencyID": "6")))))), _
"PartyLegalEntity": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"RegistrationName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Buyer's Name")))), _
"PartyIdentification": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Buyer's TIN", "schemeID": "TIN"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Buyer's BRN", "schemeID": "BRN"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "NA", "schemeID": "SST"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "NA", "schemeID": "TTX"))))), _
"Contact": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"Telephone": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "+60-123456789")), _
"ElectronicMail": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "[email protected]")))))))))
colInvoice.Put("Delivery", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"DeliveryParty": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"PartyLegalEntity": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"RegistrationName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Recipient's Name")))), _
"PostalAddress": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"CityName": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Kuala Lumpur")), _
"PostalZone": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "50480")), _
"CountrySubentityCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "10")), _
"AddressLine": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Lot 66"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Bangunan Merdeka"))), _
CreateMap("Line": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Persiaran Jaya"))))), _
"Country": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"IdentificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "MYS", _
"listID": "ISO3166-1", _
"listAgencyID": "6")))))), _
"PartyIdentification": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Recipient's TIN", "schemeID": "TIN"))), _
CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Recipient's BRN", "schemeID": "BRN"))))))), _
"Shipment": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "1234")), _
"FreightAllowanceCharge": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ChargeIndicator": CreateList(CreateMap("_": True)), _
"AllowanceChargeReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Service charge")), _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR")))))))))
colInvoice.Put("PaymentMeans", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"PaymentMeansCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "03")), _
"PayeeFinancialAccount": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "1234567890123")))))))
colInvoice.Put("PaymentTerms", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"Note": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Payment method is cash")))))
colInvoice.Put("PrepaidPayment", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "E12345678912")), _
"PaidAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"PaidDate": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "2024-07-23")), _
"PaidTime": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "00:30:00Z")))))
colInvoice.Put("AllowanceCharge", CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap( _
"ChargeIndicator": CreateList(CreateMap("_": False)), _
"AllowanceChargeReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Sample Description")), _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR"))), _
CreateMap( _
"ChargeIndicator": CreateList(CreateMap("_": True)), _
"AllowanceChargeReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Service charge")), _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR"))))))
colInvoice.Put("TaxTotal", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"TaxAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 87.63, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxSubtotal": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"TaxableAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 87.63, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 87.63, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxCategory": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "01")), _
"TaxScheme": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"_": "OTH", _
"schemeID": "UN/ECE 5153", _
"schemeAgencyID": "6")))))))))))
colInvoice.Put("LegalMonetaryTotal", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"LineExtensionAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxExclusiveAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxInclusiveAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"AllowanceTotalAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"ChargeTotalAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"PayableRoundingAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 0.3, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"PayableAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")))))
colInvoice.Put("InvoiceLine", CreateList(CreateMap( _
"ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "1234")), _
"InvoicedQuantity": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1, "unitCode": "C62")), _
"LineExtensionAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1436.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"AllowanceCharge": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap( _
"ChargeIndicator": CreateList(CreateMap("_": False)), _
"AllowanceChargeReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Sample Description")), _
"MultiplierFactorNumeric": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 0.15)), _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR"))), _
CreateMap( _
"ChargeIndicator": CreateList(CreateMap("_": True)), _
"AllowanceChargeReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Sample Description")), _
"MultiplierFactorNumeric": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 0.1)), _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR"))))), _
"TaxTotal": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap( _
"TaxAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1460.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxSubtotal": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"TaxableAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1460.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"TaxAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 1460.5, "currencyID": "MYR")), _
"Percent": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 6)), _
"TaxCategory": CreateList(CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "E")), _
"TaxExemptionReason": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Exempt New Means of Transport")), _
"TaxScheme": CreateList(CreateMap("ID": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "OTH", "schemeID": "UN/ECE 5153", "schemeAgencyID": "6"))))))))))), _
"Item": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"CommodityClassification": CreateList2(Array As Object( _
CreateMap("ItemClassificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "9800.00.0010", "listID": "PTC"))), _
CreateMap("ItemClassificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "003", "listID": "CLASS"))))), _
"Description": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "Laptop Peripherals")), _
"OriginCountry": CreateList(CreateMap("IdentificationCode": CreateList(CreateMap("_": "MYS")))))), _
"Price": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"PriceAmount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 17, "currencyID": "MYR")))), _
"ItemPriceExtension": CreateList(CreateMap( _
"Amount": CreateList(CreateMap("_": 100, "currencyID": "MYR")))))))
Dim Invoice As List
Dim OrderedMap As Map 'B4XOrderedMap
OrderedMap.Put("_D", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2")
OrderedMap.Put("_A", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2")
OrderedMap.Put("_B", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2")
OrderedMap.Put("Invoice", Invoice)
Pretty = Not(Compact)
Dim SB As StringBuilder
SB.Append(GenerateString(OrderedMap, 0))
If Pretty Then SB.Append(CRLF)
Return SB.ToString
End Sub