Android Question Compilation fails due to "supposed" trojan appearance


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Hi to All.
Until yesterday, for months, I was compiling and running the App that I am developing, either in Debug or in Release Mode. No problems. Suddenly, B4A began to fail compilation because a Trojan appeared.The message appears only compiling in debug mode, moreover only modifying some code ( randomly, not the same, anyway). Microsoft defender diplays the Trojan detected. I guess that B4A compiler is doing something that Microsoft defender doesn't like. Actually I cannot compile the App in debug mode, as soon as I modify the code in any part (or maybe not any part, but I cannot say when it happens).


  • Troian.png
    457.6 KB · Views: 182


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It's a false positive detection. I've seen this occasionally. You need to add that folder to Microsoft Defender exclusions.
Thanks. I was supposing this. But you say "folder".. Which folder? Do you mean the Trojan name or what else? (Sorry. I never used antiviruses and apparently I am still alive, just to shortly say my opinion on the topic..)
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That is happening to me lately too. Too many times on daily basis. When i reboot my machine seems OK for short period of time and then again it starts. And this is happening randomly. Not every compile. And when i catch it, it seems that file is in tmp folder (AppData...), but when i open that folder there is no that file in it, so it is impossible (at least for me) to exclude that file/folder.
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so it is impossible (at least for me) to exclude that file/folder.
This for Windows 10, Windows 11 is probably similar.
Open Widows Security and press Virus & Threat Protection. Find and press 'Manage Settings' scroll down to find and press 'Manage Exclusion'. Press 'Add an Exclusion" and you get a choice context menu. Press Folder and a dialog opens to select the folder to exclude.
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same here, but defender detects it as Trojan:Script/Sabsik.TE.A!ml
it shows up while compiling and immediately gets deleted my defender itself
it looks to be located in AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD835.tmp
removing the temp directory from scanning looks dangerous to me, since it's the first place an actual threat might land
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removing the temp directory from scanning looks dangerous to me
There is no other option available to you to overcome this. The fact that it is in a Temp folder looks like it is something produced by the Android tools as I don't think B4A IDE uses that folder.
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Hi. I have added the folder where the project is located. Now, during debug compilation only, sometimes the Trojean presence is detected, not always. Never (in my case) with release compilation. Anyway the compilation is successfully. The trojan presence seems just a temporary issue, maybe deleted immediately by MS Defender. I don't have any other antivirus on my computer.
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