Wish Compile window close on successful compile


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello everyone,

Really Loving B4A. One little thing I wish would happen is that the compile window would close after a successful compile. its kind of annoying of it just sitting there in the middle of the screen after a successful compile. Thanks.


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
pls add a toolbar button for the Alt-3 complie. Or maybe add shift or ctrl option with current "play" button to do background complie


Licensed User
Longtime User
I think that the real problem is that the window sits over the code window and obscures your view.

In Visual Studio, there is a pane at the foot of the screen that can be minimised at will. This messages-pane stores command line output, and works very well.

I vote that instead of cluttering the toolbar with unnecessary extra buttons, the progress bar and compilation messages are moved to a pane at the foot of the IDE that can be hidden/revealed.

Please understand that I am not suggesting that compilation messages should ever appear in the log pane. I only mention it, because I can understand how the idea might sound appealing, but the log pane's current functionality is currently excellently executed and I would openly bawl my eyes out should it change.
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