Compiling from command line


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I currently need a way to compile (or actually change a string or two in an already compiled apk file).

I am searching for a solution like a command line way to tell basic4android about compiling certain project with an apk output path.

As an alternative I am searching for a way to understand (unrar and probably edit a .bal file) but I cannot seem to find the strings I want to modify inside my apk ... any light on this ?




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Re-signing an apk

Hi Erel!

I managed to understand the process to edit an apk (I first unzip it, change an xml config file I have in my assets folder, and rezip it).

Now I am in the process to re-sign it ... I am using the .keystore that apps4android created with my key. But I wonder, on jarsigner sintax (the signing util inside the java sdk, which is used in every tutorial on re-signing an apk) .... What is the "alias_name" given by basic4android to the key it created for me ?

I tried lots of strings, including the three strings I typed when creating the key in basic4android, but it seems that you are not using any of those as the "alias name".

I might also be needing the keystore password (I dont know if you leave it in blank, or you just use the same passwords that basic4android asks for the key itself)...

The sintax and error is:

C:\prueba>C:\"Archivos de programa"\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin\jarsigner -keystore mis
llaves.keystore -storepass <dontknow> -keypass <secret> prueba_u.apk alias_name
jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: alias_name. alias_name must reference a valid
KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certif
icate chain.



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Longtime User
Nevermind .... I found out


You used the "b4a" alias name for the key inside basic4android keystore. I could see it by using a freeware util called KeyStore Explorer (version 4.0.1) And the keystore password is the same as the key password, which is the one that is on clear view on the option about signing key under the basic4android IDE "tools" menu

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