i need to convert following JS code, but i dont know how to do it in B4A
Can anyone help me please?
Can anyone help me please?
const customHash = (input) => {
const hexdigest = md5(input);
const pairs = hexdigest.match(/(..?)/g);
const bytes = pairs.map(x => parseInt(x, 16));
const compressed = compress(bytes, 3);
const compress = (bytes, target) => {
const { length } = bytes;
if (target > length) throw new Error('Fewer input bytes than requested output');
// Calculate the segment size (divide and round down)
const segSize = length / target >> 0;
// Split 'bytes' array into 'target' number of segments.
const segments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < segSize * target; i += segSize) {
segments.push(bytes.slice(i, i + segSize));
// Catch any left-over bytes in the last segment.
const lastSeg = segments[segments.length - 1];
segments[segments.length - 1] = lastSeg.concat(bytes.slice(target * segSize));
const checksums = segments.map(x => x.reduce((acc, curr) => acc ^ curr));
return checksums;
export default compress;