Android Question ContentChooser doesn't find application


I am using "ContentChooser" to allow the user select a file.

I use a recent smartphone with no problem and I try to use the same B4A developement on an old samsung GTN7100.
At the moment to choose the file I get a message "Application not found to perform this action". But on the smartphone I am able to use the filemanager.

Is there any connexion or other to realise in order to get it run ?

Here is the code :
Sub Button_Send_Click
    Dim FileInByte() As Byte
    CC.Show("application/json", "Select json File")
    Wait For CC_Result (Success As Boolean, Dir As String, FileName As String)
    If Success Then
        CallSub2(Starter, "SendData", FileInByte)
        Lbl_Fichier.Text="Json File Transfered"
    End If
End Sub

Many thanks for your help.