I am developing an App that uses CameraEx, ContentChooser, and VideoRecordApp.
My test devices include Android 2.2, two 4.0.3, and a 4.2.2.
CameraEx says it requires 2.3 and higher so it does not work on my 2.2, that is expected, but it does work on the others.
I can't find any specific version requirements for VideoRecordApp and ContentChooser. Both don't work on my 2.2 device. When returning from ContentChooser or VideoRecordApp it does not invoke the _Result subroutine.
One 4.0.3 works as expected, but the second, an Acer tablet, invokes the _Result subroutine on return from recording a video if Cancel was selected (returns success=false), but does not invoke the _Result subroutine if Done is selected to complete the video.
The 4.2.2 device works as expected.
Are there minimum Android version requirements for ContentChooser and VideoRecordApp?
Any idea why I'm getting strange results returning from VideoRecordApp in the Acer 4.0.3 device?
I am developing an App that uses CameraEx, ContentChooser, and VideoRecordApp.
My test devices include Android 2.2, two 4.0.3, and a 4.2.2.
CameraEx says it requires 2.3 and higher so it does not work on my 2.2, that is expected, but it does work on the others.
I can't find any specific version requirements for VideoRecordApp and ContentChooser. Both don't work on my 2.2 device. When returning from ContentChooser or VideoRecordApp it does not invoke the _Result subroutine.
One 4.0.3 works as expected, but the second, an Acer tablet, invokes the _Result subroutine on return from recording a video if Cancel was selected (returns success=false), but does not invoke the _Result subroutine if Done is selected to complete the video.
The 4.2.2 device works as expected.
Are there minimum Android version requirements for ContentChooser and VideoRecordApp?
Any idea why I'm getting strange results returning from VideoRecordApp in the Acer 4.0.3 device?